
The requirements of section 4(f)(4) or section 203(c) apply with respect to the languages of language minority groups. The applicable groups are indicated in the determinations of the Attorney General or the Director of the Census. This subpart relates to the view of the Attorney General concerning the determination by covered jurisdictions of precisely the language to be employed. In enforcing the Act, the Attorney General will consider whether the languages, forms of languages, or dialects chosen by covered jurisdictions for use in the electoral process enable members of applicable language minority groups to participate effectively in the electoral process. It is the responsibility of covered jurisdictions to determine what languages, forms of languages, or dialects will be effective. For those jurisdictions covered under section 203(c), the coverage determination (indicated in the appendix) specifies the particular language for which the jurisdiction was covered and which thus, under section 203(c), is required to be used.

Code of Federal Regulations

[Order 655-76, 41 FR 29998, July 20, 1976, as amended by Order 1246-87, 53 FR 736, Jan. 12, 1988]