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Most Popular Legal Definitions


A rule or principle or the law established through the repeated application of legal precedents.


The taking of someone's property, voluntarily or involuntarily, by court officers or into the possession of a third party.

private law

Law which regulates the relationships between individuals. Family, commercial, and labor law are examples of private law because the focus is on the relationships between corporations and relationships between individuals.


 an unlawful act, usually performed with force; infringement or transgression

abstract of title

The written report on a title search which shows the history of ownership on a piece of real estate and any claims against the property.

apparent authority

appearance of being the agent of another (employer or principal) with the power to act for the principal; since under the law of agency the employer (the principal) is liable for the acts of his employee (agent), if a person who is not an agent appears to an outsider (a customer) to have been given authority by the principal, then the principal is stuck for the acts of anyone he allows to appear to have authority

satisfaction of mortgage

A document signed by a lender acknowledging that a mortgage has been fully paid.

fraudulent conveyance

A transfer of an interest in property done with intent to defeat creditors or others of their just and lawful entitlements.


1) To delay, suspend or hold off the effect of a statute. 2) a charge to pass over land, use a toll road or turnpike, cross a bridge or take passage on a ferry.

lex causae

Latin, law of the cause. The law which has precedence, where there is a conflict of laws, to dispose of an action.