250.450—What are the recordkeeping requirements for BOP tests?

You must record the time, date, and results of all pressure tests, actuations, and inspections of the BOP system, system components, and marine riser in the driller's report. In addition, you must:
(a) Record BOP test pressures on pressure charts;
(b) Require your onsite representative to sign and date BOP test charts and reports as correct;
(c) Document the sequential order of BOP and auxiliary equipment testing and the pressure and duration of each test. For subsea BOP systems, you must also record the closing times for annular and ram BOPs. You may reference a BOP test plan if it is available at the facility;
(d) Identify the control station and pod used during the test;
(e) Identify any problems or irregularities observed during BOP system testing and record actions taken to remedy the problems or irregularities; and
(f) Retain all records, including pressure charts, driller's report, and referenced documents pertaining to BOP tests, actuations, and inspections at the facility for the duration of drilling.

Code of Federal Regulations

[68 FR 8423, Feb. 20, 2003]