86.1442—Information required.

(a) General data. The information listed in paragraphs (a) (1) through (14) of this section must be recorded with respect to each CST. Elements of this general data may be located separately from the CST emission data, as long as the general data can easily be presented together with the CST emission data when a complete data set for the vehicle is desired.
(1) Test number.
(2) Vehicle description, including engine family code, vehicle ID number, version number, manufacturer, number of cylinders, equivalent test weight, weight class and odometer reading.
(3) Date and time of day for the test.
(4) Driver and equipment operator IDs.
(5) Gas analyzers: Analyzer bench ID, analyzer ranges, recordings of analyzer output during zero, span, and sample readings.
(6) Recorder charts or computer printouts: Test number, date, vehicle ID, operator ID, and identification of the measurements recorded.
(7) Soak area ambient temperature (°F).
(8) Test cell ambient temperature (°F), barometric pressure, and humidity. (A central laboratory barometer may be used, provided that individual test cell barometric pressures are shown to be within ±0.1 percent of the barometric pressure at the central barometer location.)
(9) Test fuel: RVP and type (Otto-cycle test fuel or Cold CO test fuel).
(10) Warmup operation performed, for example, none, full Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS), first 505 seconds of the UDDS, other confirmatory test procedure, other transient operation.
(11) Wait time characteristics, including total time and engine off/restart cycle schedule.
(12) Preconditioning; duration and type, for example, minimum 2500 rpm idle or minimum 30 mph (48 kph) loaded steady state operation.
(13) CST procedure type, as described in § 86.1439.
(14) Dynamometer ID.
(b) CST emission data. For each CST, the information listed in paragraphs (b) (1) through (3) of this section must be recorded with respect to each sampling mode.
(1) The reported exhaust concentrations, i.e., those for which the product of HC (151*CO) is at a minimum. Round initial test results to the number of decimal places contained in the respective standards expressed to one additional significant figure; round final test results to the number of decimal places contained in the respective standards. Rounding is done in accordance with ASTM E 29-90, Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications. This procedure has been incorporated by reference (see § 86.1 ).
(2) The test time and mode time at which the reported exhaust concentrations are at a minimum.
(3) Minimum CO CO2 concentration (if applicable).