622.44—Commercial trip limits.

Commercial trip limits are limits on the amount of the applicable species that may be possessed on board or landed, purchased, or sold from a vessel per day. A person who fishes in the EEZ may not combine a trip limit specified in this section with any trip or possession limit applicable to state waters. A species subject to a trip limit specified in this section taken in the EEZ may not be transferred at sea, regardless of where such transfer takes place, and such species may not be transferred in the EEZ. For fisheries governed by this part, commercial trip limits apply as follows (all weights are round or eviscerated weights unless specified otherwise):
(2) Gulf group. Commercial trip limits are established in the eastern and western zones as follows. (See § 622.42(c)(1)(i) for specification of the eastern and western zones and § 622.42(c)(1)(i)(A) (3) for specifications of the subzones in the eastern zone.)
(2) If less than 75 percent of the Florida east coast subzone quota as specified in § 622.42(c)(1)(i)(A)(1) has been taken—not to exceed 75 fish.
(2) In the southern Florida west coast subzone:
(i) King mackerel in or from the EEZ may be possessed on board or landed from a vessel that uses or has on board a run-around gillnet on a trip only when such vessel has on board a commercial vessel permit for king mackerel and a king mackerel gillnet permit.
(ii) King mackerel from the southern west coast subzone landed by a vessel for which a commercial vessel permit for king mackerel and a king mackerel gillnet permit have been issued will be counted against the run-around gillnet quota of § 622.42(c)(1)(i)(A) (2 )(i ).
(iii) King mackerel in or from the EEZ harvested with gear other than run-around gillnet may not be retained on board a vessel for which a commercial vessel permit for king mackerel and a king mackerel gillnet permit have been issued.
(1) From July 1, each fishing year, until 75 percent of the respective northern or southern subzone's hook-and-line gear quota has been harvested—in amounts not exceeding 1,250 lb (567 kg) per day.
(2) From the date that 75 percent of the respective northern or southern subzone's hook-and-line gear quota has been harvested, until a closure of the respective northern or southern subzone's fishery for vessels fishing with hook-and-line gear has been effected under § 622.43(a) —in amounts not exceeding 500 lb (227 kg) per day.
(iv) Western zone. In the western zone, king mackerel in or from the EEZ may be possessed on board or landed from a vessel for which a commercial permit for king mackerel has been issued, as required under § 622.4(a)(2)(ii), from July 1, each fishing year, until a closure of the western zone's fishery has been effected under § 622.43(a) —in amounts not exceeding 3,000 lb (1,361 kg) per day.
(1) Mondays through Fridays—unlimited.
(2) Saturdays and Sundays—not exceeding 1,500 lb (680 kg).
(ii) After 75 percent of the fishing year quota specified in § 622.42(e)(2) is reached—300 lb (136 kg). However, if 75 percent of the fishing year quota has not been taken on or before September 1, the trip limit will not be reduced. The Assistant Administrator, by filing a notification of trip limit change with the Office of the Federal Register, will effect a trip limit change specified in this paragraph, (c)(2)(ii), when the applicable conditions have been taken.
(iii) See § 622.43(a)(5) for the limitations regarding golden tilefish after the fishing year quota is reached.
(ii) See § 622.43(a)(5) for the limitations regarding snowy grouper after the fishing year quota is reached.
(iii) See § 622.43(a)(5) for the limitations regarding snowy grouper after the fishing year quota is reached.
(iii) See § 622.43(a)(5) for the limitations regarding red porgy after the fishing year quota is reached.
(5) Greater amberjack. Until the fishing year quota specified in § 622.42(e)(3) is reached, 1,000 lb (454 kg). See § 622.43(a)(5) for the limitations regarding greater amberjack after the fishing year quota is reached.
[61 FR 34934, July 3, 1996]

Code of Federal Regulations

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 622.44 , see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access.