Form Credit Application

Category: Business
Format: PDF
Form Name: creditapp.pdf

(The pdf reader is necessary.)

Form Instructions:

A credit application form is a business form used for providing the legal authority for a business entity to open a line of credit with another business or individual.  They are typically used in situations where the payment for goods or services will occur after the transaction.  

In this case, we are using the credit application form used by EXFO.  Many different examples of credit application forms can be found online or through many businesses that accept credit arrangements.   

The first step in completing the form is to enter the destination contact information, which in this case is EXFO and their fax number.

1. Once the destination information, date, and # of pages is filled out, you must now start providing your identification information in the next section.

2. Provide your shipping and billing contact information.  If they are the same, you need to only fill out once side of the contact information while indicating your billing address is the same. 

3. Provide your address, fax, and phone contact information.

4. Next, include the date your company was founded, your estimated annual sales, your federal tax ID number, and a certification exemption number (if you have one). 

5. Next you must supply your banking information.

6. Using the bank that you are using for your credit account, submit their name, address, and contact information.  Supply the account number and person to contact in regards to your account.

7. You must include three trade references in order for the crediting company to check your credit worthiness. 

8. On the second page, you should select whether you will provide a financial statement, if requested, and certify the other requirements for your line of credit.  Notice that in this credit application form, you will be agreeing to pay for any legal fees associated with collecting any unpaid credit.

9. Sign and certify the form.  It is now ready for submission to the crediting company.  

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