Name: JANE DOE1979
Gender: Female
Found: Nov 9, 1979
Missing City: CALEDONIA
Missing State: NY
Race: White
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'3" (160 cm)
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
DOB: Jan 1, 1966
Age Now: 45

This Jane Doe was found in a corn field November 9, 1979 on Route 20, Caledonia, Livingston County, New York. It is estimated that she had died one day earlier. She is estimated to be 13-19 years old. She had brown wavy hair which appeared to have been recently frosted and was in the process of growing out when she was found. She was tan and had visible tan lines suggesting she might have come from or visited a warmer climate region. She was wearing tan corduroy jeans, a plaid shirt, blue knee socks, brown ripple-soled shoes, and a red nylon windbreaker with black stripes down the sleeve. She was also wearing a silver beaded necklace with 3 small turquoise birds and a double chain necklace with a half heart bearing the inscription "he who holds the key can open my heart" with a small key which fits into the corresponding heart.