Section 15-5-2 Grounds for issuance.

Section 15-5-2

Grounds for issuance.

A search warrant may be issued on any one of the following grounds:

(1) Where the property was stolen or embezzled;

(2) Where it was used as the means of committing a felony; or

(3) Where it is in the possession of any person with the intent to use it as a means of committing a public offense or in the possession of another to whom he may have delivered it for the purpose of concealing it or preventing its discovery.

(Code 1852, §826; Code 1867, §4377; Code 1876, §4006; Code 1886, §4728; Code 1896, §5485; Code 1907, §7758; Code 1923, §5742; Code 1940, T. 15, §101.)