Sec. 46.40.030. - Development of district coastal management plans.

(a) Coastal resource districts shall develop and adopt district coastal management plans in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The plan adopted by a coastal resource district shall be based upon a municipality's existing comprehensive plan or a new comprehensive resource use plan or comprehensive statement of needs, policies, objectives, and standards governing the use of resources within the coastal area of the district. The plan must meet the statewide standards and district plan criteria adopted under AS 46.40.040 and must include

(1) a delineation within the district of the boundaries of the coastal area subject to the district coastal management plan;

(2) a statement, list, or definition of the land and water uses and activities subject to the district coastal management plan;

(3) a statement of policies to be applied to the land and water uses subject to the district coastal management plan;

(4) a description of the uses and activities that will be considered proper and the uses and activities that will be considered improper with respect to the land and water within the coastal area; and

(5) a designation of, and the policies that will be applied to the use of, areas within the coastal resource district that merit special attention.

(b) In developing enforceable policies in its coastal management plan under (a) of this section, a coastal resource district shall meet the requirements of AS 46.40.070 and may not duplicate, restate, or incorporate by reference statutes and administrative regulations adopted by state or federal agencies.