
38-807. Survivor pensions

A. The surviving spouse of a deceased retired member shall be paid a surviving spouse's pension if the spouse was married to the member for a period of at least two consecutive years at the time of the member's death. Payment of a surviving spouse's pension commences as of the last day of the month following the retired member's date of death. The last payment shall be made as of the last day of the month in which the surviving spouse's death occurs. The amount of pension paid a surviving spouse is equal to three-fourths of the amount of the deceased retired member's pension at the time of death. The surviving spouse shall file a written application with the plan in order to receive the survivor benefit.

B. The surviving spouse of a deceased active or inactive member shall be paid a surviving spouse's pension if the spouse was married to the member on the date of the member's death. Payment of a surviving spouse's pension commences as of the last day of the month following the member's date of death. The last payment shall be made as of the last day of the month in which the surviving spouse's death occurs. For the purposes of this subsection, the surviving spouse's pension shall be three-fourths of the amount calculated in the same manner as a disability pension is calculated pursuant to section 38-806. The surviving spouse shall file a written application with the plan in order to receive the survivor benefit.

C. If the deceased retired or active or inactive member does not have an eligible surviving spouse or the pension of the eligible surviving spouse is terminated, each eligible child is entitled to receive a child's pension. A child's pension terminates if the child is adopted. In the case of a disabled child, the child's pension terminates if the child ceases to be under a disability or ceases to be a dependent of the surviving spouse or guardian. The amount of the pension of each eligible child is an equal share of the amount of the surviving spouse's pension. The surviving minor or disabled child's pension shall be paid to the person who is the legally appointed guardian or custodian of the eligible child.

D. If a member dies and no pension is payable on account of the member's death, the deceased member's accumulated contributions shall be paid to the person or persons designated by the deceased member in writing and filed with the board. If the designated person or persons do not survive the deceased member, the accumulated contributions shall be paid to the estate of the deceased member.