§ 11-11-215 - Employment agency license -- Scope -- Change of license.

11-11-215. Employment agency license -- Scope -- Change of license.

(a) (1) An employment agent's license issued pursuant to this subchapter shall protect only those persons to whom it is issued and only the location for which it is issued.

(2) A separate license shall be required for each separate office location operated by an employment agency.

(3) No license shall be valid to protect any business transacted under any name other than that designated in the license.

(b) No employment agent shall permit any person not mentioned in the license or license application to become a member, officer, director, shareholder, or partner in the conduct of the business of the employment agent unless written consent of the Director of the Department of Labor and written consent of the surety on the bond required by this subchapter shall first be obtained.

(c) The location of an employment agency shall not be changed without written consent from the director, and a new license application shall be required for any change of office location in excess of twenty-five (25) miles.

(d) A charge of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be made by the Department of Labor for the recording of authorization for each change of office location authorized by this section.