§ 19-10-302 - Exhaustion of remedies against insurer.

19-10-302. Exhaustion of remedies against insurer.

(a) The Arkansas State Claims Commission shall not dismiss a claim with prejudice on grounds that the claimant has received or is due benefits under a policy of insurance. However, the commission shall hear no claim until the claimant has exhausted all remedies against insurers, including the claimant's insurer.

(b) Every claim filed with the commission shall be accompanied by a sworn affidavit, on a form to be provided by the commission, signed by the claimant and witnessed by the claimant's insurer and legal counsel, if any, that the claimant has exhausted all remedies against insurers, including the claimant's insurer. The affidavit shall further state the total amount of insurance benefits paid to the claimant.