§ 19-4-1601 - Regular salary procedures and restrictions.

19-4-1601. Regular salary procedures and restrictions.

(a) This section shall be known as and may be cited as the "Regular Salary Procedures and Restrictions Act".

(b) The Arkansas Constitution, Article 16, 4, provides that the General Assembly shall fix the salaries and fees of all officers in the state, that no greater salary or fee than that fixed by the law shall be paid to any officer, employee, or other person, or at any rate other than par value, and that the number and salaries of the clerks and employees of the different departments of the state shall be fixed by law. Therefore, the following provisions shall be applicable to all authorized regular salary positions in appropriation acts unless specific exception is made otherwise by law:

(1) For any position authorized by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas for the benefit of any agency or program for which the provisions of the Uniform Classification and Compensation Act, 21-5-201 et seq., are to be applicable, it is declared to be the intent of the General Assembly that the uniform act shall govern with respect to:

(A) The entrance salary step;

(B) The frequency with which step increases may be granted; and

(C) The maximum annual salary that may be paid for the grade assigned each employee under the provisions of these statutes;

(2) For any position authorized by the General Assembly for the benefit of any agency or program for which a maximum annual salary is set out in dollars, it is the intent of the General Assembly that the position is to be paid at a rate of pay not to exceed the maximum established for the position during any one (1) fiscal year;

(3) (A) For all positions authorized by the General Assembly for any agency or program, it is the intent of the General Assembly that in determining the annual salaries of these employees, the administrative head of the agency or program shall take into consideration ability of the employee and length of service.

(B) It is not the intent of the General Assembly that the maximum annual salaries as authorized in the appropriation act, or step increases established for the various grades under the provisions of the Uniform Classification and Compensation Act, 21-5-201 et seq., be paid unless the qualifications are complied with and then only within the limitations of the appropriations and funds available for this purpose.

(C) No employee authorized by the General Assembly shall receive from appropriated or cash funds, either from state, federal, or other sources, compensation in an amount greater than that established by the General Assembly as the maximum annual salary for the employee unless specific provisions are made therefor by law; and

(4) No employee of the State of Arkansas shall be paid any additional cash allowances, including, but not limited to, uniform allowance, clothing allowance, motor vehicle depreciation or replacement allowance, fixed transportation allowance, and meals and lodging allowance, other than for reimbursement for costs actually incurred by the employee unless the allowances are specifically set out by law as to eligibility of employees to receive allowance and the maximum amount of the allowances are established by law for each employee or for each class of employee eligible to receive such allowances.