§ 19-4-705 - Obligations limited to funds available.

19-4-705. Obligations limited to funds available.

(a) No state agency for which regular operating appropriations are made on a fiscal-year basis shall incur any obligations under the appropriations unless there are funds on hand or an approved federal grant, or estimated to become available, during the fiscal year for the payment of the obligation; nor shall any agency create any obligation in one (1) fiscal year which will make it necessary to use the revenues of the following fiscal year in order to meet the obligation except in the case of multiyear contracts for commodities or services and as provided in 19-4-707.

(b) In the event an agency had bank funds which are not required by law to be deposited in the State Treasury, the agency shall have the authority to create additional obligations to the extent of the bank funds on hand, or which are estimated to become available during the fiscal period. However, the agency shall not create any obligations, in the aggregate, which would make the total of such obligations exceed the total of all funds available to the agency during the fiscal period, except in the case of multiyear contracts for commodities or services and as provided in 19-4-707.