
SECTION 90120-90123

90120.  The trustees shall administer and govern the academy. The
trustees shall establish a Board of Visitors to the California
Maritime Academy whose members shall be reimbursed for their
reasonable expenses incurred in connection with their official duties
concerning the academy. The board of visitors shall consist of no
less than five representatives from maritime or maritime-related
industries who shall advise the president on matters related to the
mission of the academy. The trustees shall invite a representative of
the Federal Maritime Administration to serve as a nonvoting
participant at the meetings of the board of visitors.

90121.  The president of the academy is also the commander of the
academy and has, subject to the regulations of the trustees, the
direct control, supervision, and management of the academy, and any
other powers and duties as provided by regulations of the trustees.

90122.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the trustees
shall administer the academy to comply with any federal statute and
regulations governing maritime operations and maritime academies.

90123.  The trustees shall determine what provisions of law are
contrary to the mission and operation of the academy and shall
propose any legislation considered necessary and desirable for the
mission and operation of the academy.