
SECTION 18500-18502

18500.  Any person who commits fraud or attempts to commit fraud,
and any person who aids or abets fraud or attempts to aid or abet
fraud, in connection with any vote cast, to be cast, or attempted to
be cast, is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for 16
months or two or three years.

18501.  Any public official who knowingly violates any of the
provisions of this chapter, and thereby aids in any way the illegal
casting or attempting to cast a vote, or who connives to nullify any
of the provisions of this chapter in order that fraud may be
perpetrated, shall forever be disqualified from holding office in
this state and upon conviction shall be sentenced to a state prison
for 16 months or two or three years.

18502.  Any person who in any manner interferes with the officers
holding an election or conducting a canvass, or with the voters
lawfully exercising their rights of voting at an election, as to
prevent the election or canvass from being fairly held and lawfully
conducted, is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for 16
months or two or three years.