
SECTION 2050-2053

2050.  This article shall be known, and may be cited, as the
Visually Impaired Voter Assistance Act of 1989.

2051.  As used in this article, "visually impaired" means a person
having central visual acuity not to exceed 20-200 in the better eye,
with corrected lenses, or visual acuity greater than 20-200, but with
a limitation in the field of vision such that the widest diameter of
the visual field subtends at an angle of not greater than 20

2052.  It is the intent of the Legislature to promote the
fundamental right to vote of visually impaired individuals, and to
make efforts to improve public awareness of the availability of
ballot pamphlet audio recordings and improve their delivery to these

2053.  (a) The Secretary of State shall establish a Visually
Impaired Voter Assistance Advisory Board. This board shall consist of
the Secretary of State or his or her designee and the following
membership, appointed by the Secretary of State:
   (1) A representative from the State Advisory Council on Libraries.
   (2) One member from each of three private organizations. Two of
the organizations shall be representative of organizations for blind
persons in the state.
   (b) The board shall do all of the following:
   (1) Establish guidelines for reaching as many visually impaired
persons as practical.
   (2) Make recommendations to the Secretary of State for improving
the availability and accessibility of ballot pamphlet audio
recordings and their delivery to visually impaired voters. The
Secretary of State may implement the recommendations made by the
   (3) Increase the distribution of public service announcements
identifying the availability of ballot pamphlet audio recordings at
least 45 days before any federal, state, and local election.
   (4) Promote the Secretary of State's toll-free voter registration
telephone line for citizens needing voter registration information,
including information for those who are visually handicapped, and the
toll-free telephone service regarding the California State Library
and regional library service for the visually impaired.
   (c) No member shall receive compensation, but each member shall be
reimbursed for his or her reasonable and necessary expenses in
connection with service on the board.