
SECTION 36091-36092

36091.  Milk that is delivered by the producer of the milk, to be
sold as any grade of market milk, shall not be restricted in use or
excluded from the market if a score of the dairy farm on which the
milk is produced is below the specified minimum legal requirements
unless both of the following occur:
   (a) A copy of the score is promptly given to the proprietor or
operator of the dairy farm and, if milk is sold in bulk to a
distributor or processor, a copy of the notice is also given or
mailed to the distributor or processor.
   (b) A rescore, after 10 days, shows the score of the dairy farm to
be still or again below the specified minimum legal requirements and
a copy of the rescore is promptly given to the proprietor or
operator of the dairy farm and the purchaser of the milk produced by
the dairy farm and until 60 hours has elapsed after the rescore.

36092.  If, during the 60 hours following the rescoring of a dairy
farm, a protest is filed with the head of the milk inspection service
under whose jurisdiction the milk of the dairy farm is sold, the
milk which is produced on that dairy farm shall not be restricted in
use or excluded from the market until a third score has been made and
concurred in by the representative of the milk inspection service
and the secretary.