
SECTION 52921-52923

52921.  All breeders seed for varieties developed by the United
States Department of Agriculture or the University of California, and
approved for release and planting by the board shall be allocated to
the Foundation Seed and Seed Certification Service (FSSC) for
expansion to foundation seed in cooperation with the board.

   FSSC shall distribute foundation seed to all qualified recipients.
If there is not enough foundation seed available to satisfy all
requests for foundation seed, FSSC may allocate the seed based upon
any reasonable criteria, such as prior years acreage or allocation.

52922.  FSSC shall provide a method that will enable persons
requesting foundation seed who have no history of cottonseed
distribution to receive an initial allocation of foundation seed.

52923.  FSSC shall develop criteria in consultation with the board
for the allocation of foundation seed to qualified recipients. FSSC
shall determine who is a qualified recipient and allocate foundation
seed pursuant to that criteria.