
SECTION 8330-8332

8330.  This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Citizen
Complaint Act of 1997. All state agencies that have Internet websites
shall implement this act in a manner that is consistent with the
statewide strategy for electronic commerce as established by the
Department of Information Technology.

8331.  (a) State agencies shall make available on the Internet, on
or after July 1, 2001, unless otherwise authorized by the Department
of Information Technology pursuant to Executive Order D-3-99, a
plain-language form through which individuals can register complaints
or comments relating to the performance of that agency. The agency
shall provide instructions on filing the complaint electronically, or
on the manner in which to complete and mail the complaint form to
the state agency, or both, consistent with whichever method the
agency establishes for the filing of complaints.
   (b) Any printed complaint form used by a state agency as part of
the process of receiving a complaint against any licensed individual
or corporation subject to regulation by that agency shall be made
available by the agency on the Internet on or after July 1, 2001,
unless otherwise authorized by the Department of Information
Technology pursuant to Executive Order D-3-99. The agency shall
provide instructions on filing the complaint electronically, or on
the manner in which to complete and mail the complaint form to the
state agency, or both, consistent with whichever method the agency
establishes for the filing of complaints.
   (c) State agencies making a complaint form available on the
Internet shall, to the extent feasible:
   (1) Advise individuals calling the state agency to lodge a
complaint of both of the following:
   (A) The availability of the complaint form on the Internet.
   (B) That many public libraries provide Internet access.
   (2) Include on the Internet the location at which this information
may be accessed in the telephone directory in order that citizens
will be aware that they may contact the state agency via the Internet
or by telephone.
   (d) Public libraries, to the extent permitted through donations
and other means, may do each of the following:
   (1) Provide Internet access to their patrons.
   (2) Advertise that they provide Internet access.
   (e) Notwithstanding subdivision (a) of Section 11000, state agency
as used in this section includes the California State University.

8332.  It is the intent of the Legislature that this chapter shall
not apply to the Reporting of Improper Governmental Activities Act
(Article 3 (commencing with Section 8547) of Chapter 6.5) or the
procedures established to investigate citizens' complaints against
peace officers as required by Section 832.5 of the Penal Code.