
SECTION 101150-101165

101150.  For the purpose of protecting the community and the public
health, the local health department of a city or county shall have
available the services of a public health laboratory for the
examination of specimens from suspected cases of infectious and
environmental diseases, that may include, but need not be limited to,
the examination of specimens from milk, milk products, waters, food
products, vectors, and the environment. The public health laboratory
shall also provide the analyses required to assist in community
disease surveillance and to meet the responsibilities and support the
programs of the local health department.

101155.  The cost of establishment and maintenance of the public
health laboratory is a legal expenditure from any city or county
funds that are for disbursement under the direction of the city or
county health officer to protect public health.

101160.  (a) Any city or county public health laboratory established
for the purposes set forth in this chapter and its personnel shall
be approved by the State Department of Health Services and shall
comply with the requirements of CLIA.
   (b) For purposes of this section, "CLIA" means the federal
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (42 U.S.C. Sec.
263a; P.L. 100-578) and the regulations adopted thereunder by the
federal Health Care Financing Administration and effective on January
1, 1994, or any later date, when adopted in California pursuant to
subdivision (b) of Section 1208 of the Business and Professions Code.

101165.  Nothing in this article, or any other provision of law,
shall be construed to restrict, limit, or prevent individuals
certified under authority of this part or Article 1 (commencing with
Section 106600) of Chapter 4 of Part 1 of Division 104 from
performing their duties for the protection of the public health.