
SECTION 101575-101620

101575.  The government of the authority shall be vested in a board
of directors that shall consist of nine members, selected as follows:
   (a) Five members, one from each supervisorial district, shall be
appointed by the Monterey County Board of Supervisors.
   (b) One member, who shall be a current member of the professional
advisory board, shall be nominated by the authority's professional
advisory board and confirmed by the Monterey County Board of
Supervisors and serve a one-year term.
   (c) One member, who shall be a current member of the community
advisory board, shall be nominated by the authority's community
advisory board and confirmed by the Monterey County Board of
Supervisors and serve a one-year term.
   (d) Two members, both of whom shall be residents of Monterey
County, shall be appointed by the Governor. The Governor shall make
the appointments from a list containing at least three nominations by
the Monterey County Board of Supervisors.

101580.  The board at its first meeting, and thereafter annually at
the first meeting in January, shall elect a chair who shall preside
at all meetings, and a vice chair who shall preside in his or her
absence. In the event of their absence or inability to act, the
members present, by an order entered in the minutes, shall select one
of their members to act as chair pro tem, who, while so acting,
shall have all of the authority of the chair.

101585.  The board shall establish rules for its proceedings.

101590.  A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business, and all official acts of the
board shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the members
of the board.

101595.  The acts of the board shall be expressed by motion,
resolution, or ordinance.

101600.  Except for initial staggered terms that may be established
by the board, the term of office of each member shall be four years
and, in addition, such time as necessary until the appointment and
qualification of his or her successor.

101605.  The bodies that originally nominated or appointed a member
whose term has expired shall nominate or appoint the successor for a
full term of four years, except that members who are nominated by the
professional advisory board or by the community advisory board shall
serve a one-year term.

101610.  Any vacancy on the board shall be filled for the unexpired
term by nomination or appointment by the bodies that originally
nominated or appointed the member whose office has become vacant.

101615.  The Professional Advisory Board shall review and comment on
all proposed policies and actions of the board dealing with
arrangements for health care within the board of jurisdiction.

101620.  The Community Advisory Board shall review and comment on
matters relating to the accessibility and availability of services
arranged by the board.