
SECTION 40270-40276

40270.  The bay district may borrow money and incur indebtedness in
anticipation of the revenue for the current year in which the
indebtedness is incurred or for the ensuing year. Such indebtedness
shall not exceed the total amount of the estimate of the tax income
for either the current year or the ensuing year.

40271.  Before the first day of September of each year, the bay
district board shall estimate and determine the amount of money
required by the bay district for its purposes during the fiscal year
and shall apportion this amount to the counties included within the
bay district, one-half according to the relative assessed value of
property on the secured roll of each county, or that portion thereof,
within the bay district as determined by the bay district board and
one-half in the proportion that the population of each county, or
that portion thereof, within the bay district bears to the total
population of the bay district.
   For the purposes of this section, the bay district board shall
base its determination of the population on the latest official
information available to it.
   The total amount of money required by the bay district to be
apportioned to the counties, or that portion thereof, included within
the bay district for its purposes shall not exceed two cents ($0.02)
on each one hundred dollars ($100) of the assessed value of all the
property included within the bay district.

40272.  On or before the first day of September of each year, the
bay district board shall certify to the auditor of each county the
total amount apportioned to the county.
   Each board of supervisors shall levy an ad valorem tax on the
taxable property, but not including intangible personal property,
within the county, or that portion thereof, included within the bay
district sufficient to secure the amount so apportioned to it. Such
taxes shall be levied and collected together with, and not separately
from, the taxes for county purposes and shall be paid to the
treasurer of each of the counties to the credit of the bay district.

40273.  Taxes levied by the board of supervisors for the benefit of
the bay district shall be a lien upon all property within such
county, or portion thereof, lying within the bay district, and shall
have the same force and effect as other liens for taxes. Their
collection may be enforced in the same manner as liens for county
taxes are enforced.

40274.  The treasurers of the counties included, in whole or in
part, within the bay district shall pay into the bay district
treasury all funds held by them to the credit of the bay district.

40275.  The bay district treasury shall be in the custody of the
county treasurer of a county within the bay district designated by
the bay district board, and that treasurer shall be the bay district

40276.  The bay district board shall, in carrying out the provisions
of this article, comply as nearly as possible with the provisions of
Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 29000), Division 3, Title 3 of
the Government Code.