
SECTION 44250-44257

44250.  The Legislature hereby finds and declares as follows:
   (a) Existing programs to ensure that new motor vehicles sold in
California emit less pollution may not be adequate to allow
attainment of ambient air quality standards. Continued use of older
high-emission motor vehicles, inadequate vehicle maintenance
practices, and increases in vehicle miles traveled may overwhelm the
gains from more stringent standards for new motor vehicles, and
defeat state and local efforts to improve air quality.
   (b) Substantial additional reductions in vehicle emissions can be
achieved by retrofitting existing motor vehicles, enhancing vehicle
maintenance practices, and installing additional pollution control
equipment on new motor vehicles operated in nonattainment areas.
Existing state programs are an impediment to the use of retrofits and
additional equipment to reduce vehicle emissions and should be
   (c) Information on vehicle emissions should be provided to the
driving public to encourage the manufacture and purchase of clean
burning vehicles, to encourage retrofits of motor vehicles to reduce
emissions, to encourage the application of enhanced motor vehicle
maintenance practices on a routine basis, and to encourage reductions
in vehicle miles traveled.

44251.  (a) The state board shall specify smog index numbers for new
light-duty passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks with a gross
vehicle weight up to 6,000 pounds to be sold in California. That smog
index shall be based on certification data quantifying tailpipe and
evaporative emissions of ozone precursor chemicals for classes of
   (b) For diesel fuel vehicles, the smog index shall be based on
certification data quantifying tailpipe emissions of ozone precursor
chemicals and particulate matter. Particulate emissions from diesel
fuel vehicles certified to model year standards that did not include
a particulate limit may be assumed to be equal to particulate
emissions for model year 1985 diesel fuel vehicles.
   (c) The state board shall specify the relative weight of emissions
of ozone precursor chemicals and particulates in the smog index
values for diesel vehicles. This weighting shall be based on the
relative importance of each category of emissions to air quality
problems in California.
   (d) Smog index number 1.0 shall be assigned to a hypothetical
light-duty passenger vehicle, a hypothetical light-duty truck with a
gross vehicle weight of 3,750 pounds or less, and a hypothetical
light-duty truck with a gross vehicle weight of greater than 3,750
pounds up to 6,000 pounds, emitting the maximum amount of pollution
allowed for that class of vehicle certified for sale in this state as
of the January 1 immediately preceding the operative date of this
section. The state board shall determine the existing class or
classes of vehicles to which the smog index shall be applied.

44252.  The state board, in consultation with the bureau, shall
establish smog index numbers for classes or categories of vehicles
that may be modified by the use of an emissions retrofit device.

44253.  If the Environmental Protection Agency adopts a system that
provides for the assignment of one or more index numbers to vehicles
in a manner, and for purposes, similar to the smog index provided for
in this chapter, the state board shall adopt the index numbers
assigned to vehicles by the Environmental Protection Agency as the
smog index, but shall also specify a smog index consistent with the
federal index system for any vehicle subject to this chapter for
which the Environmental Protection Agency has not specified an index

44254.  (a) The state board shall publish the smog index numbers in
a form that is convenient for use by the Department of Motor
Vehicles, the bureau, vehicle owners, manufacturers, dealers, and
consumers shopping for a new or used motor vehicle of a particular
   (b) The state board, in consultation with the Environmental
Protection Agency, shall adopt regulations specifying a form of decal
to be affixed by manufacturers to new motor vehicles pursuant to
Section 43200.5 to inform purchasers of the smog index for the
vehicle, a smog index chart listing vehicle model years and the
corresponding smog index for that model year to be affixed by motor
vehicles dealers to used motor vehicles pursuant to subdivision (c)
of Section 43705, and information to inform purchasers of the
significance of the smog index and smog index chart.
   (c) The state board, in consultation with the Department of Motor
Vehicles, shall specify a form of notice to be provided by the
Department of Motor Vehicles to each owner of a motor vehicle
registered in this state, informing the owner of the smog index for
the vehicle and the significance of the smog index.

44257.  This chapter shall become inoperative five years from the
date determined pursuant to Section 32 of the act adding this
chapter, and on the January 1 following that date is repealed.