
SECTION 1600-1601

1600.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, counties, a city
and county, and state agencies may enter into and make payment on
contracts by way of electronic transmission, including, but not
limited to, the issuance of solicitation documents, and the receipt
of responses thereto.

1601.  (a) Any public entity may adopt methods and procedures to do
any of the following:
   (1) Receive bids on public works or other contracts over the
Internet, but only if no bid can be opened before the bid deadline
and all bids can be verified as authentic.
   (2) Receive supporting materials submitted pursuant to a public
works contract over the Internet. For purposes of this section,
"supporting materials" includes, but is not limited to, payment
requests, shop drawings, schedules, notices of claims, and certified
   (b) If a public entity allows or requires bids or supporting
materials to be submitted over the Internet pursuant to this section,
the public entity shall provide an electronic receipt to the
contractor showing the date and time the submission was received. The
public entity shall provide the electronic receipt to the contractor
either by immediate transmission to the contractor or by providing
the contractor access to an electronic file online that contains this
information and that can be viewed and printed by the contractor.