
SECTION 3515-3520

3515.  The duties of the department are to determine:
   (a) That the risks to the prisoners consenting to research are
outweighed by the sum of benefits to the prisoners and the importance
of the knowledge to be gained.
   (b) That the rights and welfare of the prisoners are adequately
protected, including the security of any confidential personal
   (c) That the procedures for selection of prisoners are equitable
and that subjects are not unjustly deprived of the opportunity to
   (d) That adequate provisions have been made for compensating
research related injury.
   (e) That the rate of remuneration is comparable to that received
by nonprisoner volunteers in similar research.
   (f) That the conduct of the activity will be reviewed at timely
   (g) That legally effective informed consent will be obtained by
adequate and appropriate methods.

3516.  No behavioral research shall be conducted on any prisoner in
this state in the absence of a determination by the department
consistent with this title.

3517.  The department shall promulgate rules and regulations
reasonably necessary for the effective administration of the
provisions of this title. Action on proposals submitted shall be
taken within 60 days. The regulations shall be submitted to the Joint
Legislative Prison Committee for review and shall not become
operative until 60 days after submission.

3518.  The department shall promulgate rules and regulations
prescribing procedures to be followed by any person who has a
grievance concerning the operation of any particular research program
conducted pursuant to this title.

3519.  The department shall evaluate the impact of research on human
subjects approved and conducted pursuant to this title, including
any adverse reactions.

3520.  The department shall make a report due on or before January 1
of each odd-numbered year containing a review of each research
program which has been approved and conducted. The report shall be
transmitted to the Legislature and shall be made available to the