
SECTION 1735-1737

1735.  The board may consider a petition for a long-term transfer of
water or water rights involving a change of point of diversion,
place of use, or purpose of use. A long-term transfer shall be for
any period in excess of one year.

1736.  The board, after providing notice and opportunity for a
hearing, including, but not limited to, written notice to, and an
opportunity for review and recommendation by, the Department of Fish
and Game, may approve such a petition for a long-term transfer where
the change would not result in substantial injury to any legal user
of water and would not unreasonably affect fish, wildlife, or other
instream beneficial uses.

1737.  Following the expiration of the long-term transfer period,
all rights shall automatically revert to the original holders of the
right without any action by the board.