
SECTION 39400-39402

39400.  A majority in number of the holders of title to land
irrigated or susceptible of irrigation from a common source and by
the same system of works, who are also the holders of title to a
majority in value of the land may propose the formation of a district
under the provisions of this division or the formation of the
district may be proposed by not less than 500 petitioners, each of
whom is the holder of title to land therein and which petitioners
include the holders of title to not less than 10 percent in value of
the land included within the proposed district.

39401.  The proposed district may include land situated in other
distinctive district agencies of the State, including other water
storage districts having different plans and purposes and the object
of which is not the same.

39402.  The land proposed to be formed into a district need not
consist of contiguous parcels.