
SECTION 45270-45278

45270.  Only holders of title to land which has been assessed as
provided in this division shall be qualified to vote at the election.

45271.  The ballots cast at the election shall contain the words
"Bonds--Yes" and the words "Bonds--No."

45272.  A list of the ballots cast shall be made by the board of
election, containing the name of each voter who has voted at the
election, and if the ballot was cast by proxy also the name of the
person casting it, and the number of votes cast by each voter.

45273.  At the close of the polls the board of election shall at
once proceed to canvass the votes and declare the result.

45274.  The board of election shall deliver a certificate showing
the result and the number of votes cast for and against the issuing
of the bonds to the county elections official of each county, and a
duplicate to the board of directors.

45275.  The board of election shall deliver to the county elections
official of each county all ballots cast at the election within that
county and all documents and papers used at the election.

45276.  The county elections officials of the respective counties
shall immediately upon receipt of the ballots, papers, and documents
from the board of election certify to the board of directors at its
office a statement of the result of the election held in each of the
counties with a statement of the number of votes for the proposition
of "Bonds--Yes" and opposed "Bonds--No."

45277.  The board of directors shall certify in its minutes that the
proposal to issue bonds has carried or has been defeated. The
certificate shall state the vote cast throughout the entire district.
A duplicate of the certificate shall be immediately transmitted to
the department.

45278.  Except as in this part specifically provided, the provisions
of this division with reference to all matters pertaining to
elections shall govern bond elections.