
SECTION 4070-4071

4070.  (a) The State Department of Mental Health shall develop a
quality assurance program to govern the delivery of Short-Doyle
Medi-Cal services, in order to assure quality patient care based on
community standards of practice.
   (b) The department shall issue standards and guidelines for local
quality assurance activities. These standards and guidelines shall be
reviewed and revised in consultation with the Conference of Local
Mental Health Directors. The standards and guidelines shall be based
on federal medicaid requirements.
   (c) The standards and guidelines developed by the department shall
reflect the special problems that small rural counties have in
undertaking comprehensive quality assurance systems.

4071.  The department shall approve each local program's initial
quality assurance plan, and shall thereafter review and approve each
program's Short-Doyle Medi-Cal quality assurance plan whenever the
plan is amended or changed.