Sec. 18-98. Confinement where bail unobtainable: Presentence confinement credit prior to July 1, 1981.

      Sec. 18-98. Confinement where bail unobtainable: Presentence confinement credit prior to July 1, 1981. Any person who has been denied bail or who has been unable to obtain bail and who is subsequently imprisoned for an offense committed prior to July 1, 1981, is entitled to commutation of his sentence by the number of days which he spent in a community correctional center from the time he was denied or was unable to obtain bail to the time he was so imprisoned. The Commissioner of Correction shall, if such person has conformed to the rules of the institution, credit such person with the number of days to which the supervising officer of the correctional center where such person was confined while awaiting trial certifies such person was confined between the denial of bail to him or his inability to obtain bail and his imprisonment.

      (1967, P.A. 869; 1969, P.A. 735, S. 2; P.A. 80-442, S. 6, 28.)

      History: 1969 act replaced "jail" and "deputy jailer" with community correctional center and its supervising officer and allowed credit be given if person has conformed to institution rules; P.A. 80-442 made provisions applicable for offenses committed before July 1, 1981.

      Cited. 168 C. 389. Section applies only to any person "who has been denied bail or who has been unable to obtain bail and who is subsequently imprisoned." 169 C. 247. "Jailtime" credit given only for time served by detainee prior to sentencing. Id., 540. Cited. 173 C. 312. Section does not entitle petitioner to credit on Connecticut sentence for time he was incarcerated in Florida awaiting extradition to Connecticut. 196 C. 309. Does not apply to time spent in confinement out of state awaiting extradition. Id., 572. Cited. 198 C. 542. Cannot be applied with Sec. 18-97 cumulatively to the same sentence. 201 C. 115. Cited. 202 C. 343. Cited. 215 C. 695. Cited. 217 C. 568.

      Cited. 24 CA 612. Cited. 30 CA 190.

      Cited. 41 CS 229.

      Subsec. (d):

      Allocation of credit under subsec. does not implicate fundamental right or burden a suspect class, and is rationally related to legitimate public purpose of ensuring that convicted offenders serve the full term of their sentences. 90 CA 460.