Sec. 45a-692. (Formerly Sec. 45-78r). Application for determination of ability to give informed consent to sterilization.

      Sec. 45a-692. (Formerly Sec. 45-78r). Application for determination of ability to give informed consent to sterilization. An application for a determination of a person's ability to give informed consent to a sterilization procedure may be filed by the person seeking sterilization, the attending physician of the person seeking sterilization, by the director of the institution, or by an interested party and shall state the reason for seeking such determination. Such application shall be filed in the court of probate in the district in which the respondent resides or is domiciled. The application and all records of probate court proceedings held as a result of the filing of such application, except for the name of any guardian of the respondent, shall be sealed and shall be made available only to the respondent or the respondent's counsel or guardian, and to the Commissioner of Developmental Services or the commissioner's designee, unless the Probate Court, after hearing held with notice to the respondent or the respondent's counsel or guardian, and to the commissioner or the commissioner's designee, determines that such application and records should be disclosed for cause shown.

      (P.A. 79-543, S. 3, 14; P.A. 00-22, S. 3; P.A. 07-73, S. 2(b).)

      History: Sec. 45-78r transferred to Sec. 45a-692 in 1991; P.A. 00-22 made a technical change and added provisions re disclosure of the application and records of Probate Court proceedings; pursuant to P.A. 07-73 "Commissioner of Mental Retardation" was changed editorially by the Revisors to "Commissioner of Developmental Services", effective October 1, 2007.