Sec. 4d-9. (Formerly Sec. 4a-7). Technical Services Revolving Fund.

      Sec. 4d-9. (Formerly Sec. 4a-7). Technical Services Revolving Fund. There shall be a Technical Services Revolving Fund in the Department of Information Technology for the purchase, installation and utilization of information systems, as defined in section 4d-1, for budgeted agencies of the state. The working capital balance allocated to said Technical Services Revolving Fund shall be one million one hundred thousand dollars. The Chief Information Officer and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall jointly be responsible for the administration of such fund. Said officer and secretary shall develop appropriate review procedures and accountability standards for such fund and measures for determining the performance of the fund in carrying out the purposes of this part.

      (February, 1965, P.A. 355, S. 1; P.A. 73-677, S. 6; P.A. 75-519, S. 4, 12; P.A. 76-208, S. 2, 4; P.A. 77-614, S. 77, 610; P.A. 83-175, S. 1, 2; P.A. 86-357, S. 1; P.A. 88-297, S. 7; P.A. 89-257, S. 12, 14; P.A. 92-135, S. 2; P.A. 93-30, S. 1, 14; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-9, S. 16, 50.)

      History: P.A. 73-677 transferred duties of comptroller under section to the commissioner of personnel and administration and removed funds for data processing system from comptroller's service fund to revolving fund in department of personnel and administration; P.A. 75-519 substituted commissioner of finance and control for commissioner of personnel and administration; P.A. 76-208 established capital balance of data processing revolving fund at $1,100,000; P.A. 77-614 substituted commissioner of administrative services for commissioner of finance and control; P.A. 83-175 amended section to require development of five-year long-range data processing plan; Sec. 3-116a transferred to Sec. 4-23n in 1985; P.A. 86-357 added provision allowing commissioner to acquire or purchase data processing equipment, programs or services through use of bid proposals, requests for proposals or negotiation; P.A. 88-297 deleted provision re authority of commissioner to purchase or acquire data processing equipment, programs or services costing $20,000 or less; Sec. 4-23n transferred to Sec. 4a-7 in 1989; P.A. 89-257 repealed provisions requiring commissioner to assume operating control and direction of data processing in budgeted agencies and added reference to information systems; P.A. 92-135 added provisions re joint administration of fund by administrative services commissioner and secretary of policy and management office; P.A. 93-30 renamed "data processing fund" as "technical services revolving fund", effective July 1, 1993; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-9 repealed authority of Commissioner of Administrative Services to delegate data processing acquisition authority and transferred fund from Department of Administrative Services to Department of Information Technology, effective July 1, 1997; Sec. 4a-7 transferred to Sec. 4d-9 in 1999; (Revisor's note: In 1999 a reference to chapter 298b, which included former sections 16a-109 to 16a-120, inclusive, was changed editorially by the Revisors to "part I of chapter 61" to reflect the transfer to said part of all sections in said chapter 298b and in 2003 the reference to "part I of chapter 61" was changed editorially by the Revisors to "this part").