§ 16-13-71 - "Dangerous drug" defined

O.C.G.A. 16-13-71 (2010)
16-13-71. "Dangerous drug" defined

(a) A "dangerous drug" means any drug other than a drug contained in any schedule of Article 2 of this chapter, which, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (52 Stat. 1040 (1938)), 21 U.S.C. Section 301, et seq., as amended, may be dispensed only upon prescription. In any civil or criminal action or other proceedings, a certification from the Food and Drug Administration of the United States Department of Health and Human Services attesting to the fact that a drug other than a drug contained in any schedule of Article 2 of this chapter involved in the action or proceeding is a dangerous drug that federal law prohibits dispensing of without a prescription pursuant to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act shall be admissible as prima-facie proof that such drug is a "dangerous drug."

(b) In addition to subsection (a) of this Code section, a "dangerous drug" means any other drug or substance declared by the General Assembly to be a dangerous drug; to include any of the following drugs, chemicals, or substances; salts, isomers, esters, ethers, or derivatives of such drugs, chemicals, or substances which have essentially the same pharmacological action; all other salts, isomers, esters, ethers, and compounds of such drugs, chemicals, or substances unless specifically exempted and the following devices, identified as "dangerous drugs":

(.03) Abacavir;

(.035) Abarelix;

(.037) Abatacept;

(.04) Abciximab;

(.043) abobotulinumtoxinA;

(.045) Acamprostate;

(.05) Acarbose;

(.1) Acebutolol;

(1) Acecarbromal;

(2) Acenocoumarol;

(3) Acetazolamide;

(3.5) Reserved;

(4) Acetohexamide;

(4.1) Aceto-hydroxamic acid;

(5) Acetophenazine;

(6) Acetosulfone;

(7) Acetyl sulfamethoxypyridazine;

(8) Acetyl sulfisoxazole;

(9) Acetylcarbromal;

(10) Acetylcholine;

(11) Acetylcysteine;

(12) Acetyldigitoxin;

(12.1) Acitretin;

(13) Acrisorcin;

(13.3) Acrivastine;

(13.5) Acyclovir;

(13.53) Adalimumab;

(13.55) Adapalene;

(13.6) Adenosine;

(14) Adenosine 5-monophosphate;

(15) Adenylic acid;

(16) Adiphenine hydrochloride;

(17) Adrenal cortex extracts;

(17.5) Albendazole;

(18) Albumin, normal human serum;

(18.1) Albuterol;

(19) Albutonium;

(19.5) Alclometasone dipropionate;

(19.6) Alendronate;

(19.65) Alfuzosin;

(19.7) Alglucerase;

(19.75) Alglucosidase alfa;

(19.77) Aliskiren;

(19.8) Alitretinoin;

(20) Alkaverir;

(21) Alkavervir;

(21.1) Alkyl nitrites;

(22) Allopurinol;

(22.2) Almotriptan;

(22.5) Alosetron;

(23) Alpha amylase;

(23.1) Alprostadil;

(24) Alseroxylon;

(24.1) Altenodol;

(24.6) Altretamine;

(25) Aluminum nicotinate;

(26) Alverine;

(26.5) Alvimopan;

(27) Amantadine;

(28) Ambenonium chloride;

(28.5) Ambrisentan;

(29) Ambrosiacae follens;

(30) Amcinonide;

(30.1) Amdinocillin;

(30.5) Amifostine;

(31) Amikacin;

(31.1) Amiloride;

(32) Aminacrine;

(33) 4-amino-N-methyl-pteroylglutamic acid;

(34) Amino acid preparations for injection or vaginal use;

(35) Aminocaproic acid;

(36) Aminohippurate;

(36.5) Aminolevulinic acid;

(37) Aminophylline;

(38) Aminosalicylate -- See exceptions;

(39) Aminosalicylate calcium -- See exceptions;

(40) Aminosalicylate potassium -- See exceptions;

(41) Aminosalicylate sodium -- See exceptions;

(42) Aminosalicylic acid -- See exceptions;

(42.1) Amiodarone;

(43) Amisometradine;

(44) Amitriptyline;

(44.3) Amlexanox;

(44.5) Amlodipine;

(44.6) Ammonia, N-13;

(44.7) Ammonium lactate;

(45) Amodiaquin;

(45.5) Amoxapine;

(46) Amoxicillin;

(47) Amphotericin B;

(48) Ampicillin;

(48.2) Amprenavir;

(48.6) Amrinone;

(49) Amyl nitrite;

(50) Amylolytic enzymes;

(50.1) Anabolic steroids, if listed in Code Section 16-13-27.1 as being exempt as Schedule III controlled substances;

(50.3) Anagrelide;

(50.4) Anakinra;

(50.5) Anastrozole;

(51) Androgens, except those androgens listed in paragraph (6) of Code Section 16-13-27;

(52) Angiotensin amide;

(52.5) Anidulafungin;

(53) Anisindione;

(54) Anisotropine;

(55) Antazoline;

(56) Anterior pituitary hormones;

(57) Anthralin;

(58) Anti-coagulant acid:

(A) Citrate dextrose;

(59) Antigens:

(A) Alternaria tenius;

(B) Aqua ivy;

(C) Ash mix;

(D) Aspergillus fumigatus;

(E) Bacterial, Staphylococcus aureus, Type 1;

(F) Bacterial, Staphylococcus aureus, Type 3;

(G) Bacterial, Undenatured;

(H) Bee;

(I) Beech;

(J) Bermuda grass;

(K) Birch;

(L) California live oak;

(M) Candida albicans;

(N) Careless weed;

(O) Cat epithelia;

(P) Cattle epithelia;

(Q) Coccidioides immitis;

(R) Cottonwood fremont;

(S) Dog epithelia;

(T) Elm mix;

(U) English plantain;

(V) Feather mix;

(W) Gram negative bacterial;

(X) Helminthosporium sativum;

(Y) Hickory;

(Z) Hormodendrum hordei;

(AA) Hornet;

(BB) House dust;

(CC) House dust mix;

(DD) Insects;

(EE) Intradermal or scratching test;

(FF) Johnson grass;

(GG) Kentucky blue grass;

(HH) Kochia;

(II) Lamb quarters;

(JJ) Maple;

(KK) Mesquite;

(LL) Mixed epidermals;

(MM) Mixed grass, ragweeds (spring-fall);

(NN) Mixed grasses (spring);

(OO) Mixed inhalants;

(PP) Mixed molds;

(QQ) Mixed ragweed;

(RR) Mixed ragweed -- mixed weeds (fall);

(SS) Mixed weeds;

(TT) Molds;

(UU) Mountain cedar;

(VV) Mugwort common;

(WW) National weed mix;

(XX) Oak mix;

(YY) Olive;

(ZZ) Orchard grass;

(AAA) Pecan;

(BBB) Penicillium notatum;

(CCC) Perennial rye;

(DDD) Poison oak and poison ivy;

(EEE) Pollens;

(FFF) Poplar mix;

(GGG) Prescription;

(HHH) Ragweed mix;

(III) Red top grass;

(JJJ) Respiratory bacterial;

(KKK) Rough pigweed;

(LLL) Russian thistle;

(MMM) Sagebrush common;

(NNN) Scale mix;

(OOO) Short ragweed;

(PPP) Simplified allergy screening set;

(QQQ) Skin bacterial;

(RRR) Southern grass;

(SSS) Staphylococcal;

(TTT) Stinging insect mix;

(UUU) Stinging insects;

(VVV) Sweet vernal;

(WWW) Sycamore;

(XXX) Tall ragweed;

(YYY) Timothy;

(ZZZ) Tree mix;

(AAAA) Trees (early spring);

(BBBB) Walnut;

(CCCC) Wasp;

(DDDD) West ragweed;

(EEEE) West weed mix;

(FFFF) Yellow jacket;

(60) Antihemophilic factor, Human;

(61) Antirabies serum;

(62) Antivenin;

(62.1) Apomorphine;

(62.3) Apraclonidine;

(62.4) Aprepitant;

(62.5) Aprotinin;

(62.7) Ardeparin;

(62.75) Arformoterol tartrate;

(62.8) Argatroban;

(63) Arginine, L-;

(63.5) Aripiprazole;

(64) Arsenic -- Preparation for human use;

(64.1) Arsenic trioxide;

(65) Artegraft;

(65.5) Artemether;

(66) Ascorbate sodium -- Injection;

(66.5) Asenapine;

(67) Asparaginase;

(67.6) Astemizole;

(67.67) Astenajavol;

(67.72) Atazanavir;

(68.1) Atenolol;

(68.15) Atomoxetine;

(68.2) Atorvastatin;

(68.3) Atovaquone;

(68.4) Atracurium besylate;

(68.5) Atropine -- See exceptions;

(68.6) Auranofin;

(69) Aurothioglucose;

(69.5) Azacitidine;

(70) Azapetine;

(71) Azatadine maleate;

(72) Azathioprine;

(72.3) Azelaic acid;

(72.4) Azelastine;

(72.5) Azithromycin;

(72.7) Azlocillin;

(73) Azo-sulfisoxazole;

(73.5) Aztreonam;

(74) Azuresin;

(75) Bacitracin -- See exceptions;

(76) Baclofen;

(76.5) Balsalazide;

(77) Barium -- See exceptions;

(78) Beclomethasone;

(79) Belladonna;

(80) Belladonna alkaloids;

(81) Belladonna extracts;

(82) Benactyzine;

(82.5) Benazepril;

(82.7) Bendamustine;

(83) Bendroflumethiazide;

(83.1) Benoxaprofen;

(83.2) Bentiromide;

(83.5) Bentoquatam -- See exceptions;

(84) Benzestrol;

(85) Benzonatate;

(86) Benzoylpas;

(87) Benzquinamide;

(88) Benzthiazide;

(89) Benztropine;

(90) Benzylpenicilloyl - polylysine;

(91) Bephenium hydroxynaphthoate;

(91.3) Bepotastine;

(91.5) Bepridil;

(91.7) Beractant;

(91.8) Besifloxacin;

(92) Beta-carotene -- See exceptions;

(93) Betadine vaginal gel;

(94) Betahistine;

(94.5) Betaine, anhydrous;

(95) Betamethasone;

(95.1) Betaxolol;

(96) Betazole;

(97) Bethanechol;

(97.1) Bethanidine sulfate;

(97.2) Bevacizumab;

(97.3) Bexarotene;

(97.5) Bicalutamide;

(98) Bile extract;

(98.2) Bimatoprost;

(99) Biperiden;

(100) Bisacodyl tannex;

(101) Bishydroxycoumarin;

(101.5) Biskalcitrate;

(102) Bismuth sodium tartrate -- See exceptions;

(102.05) Bisoprolol;

(102.1) Bitolterol mesylate;

(102.5) Bivalirudin;

(103) Blastomycine;

(104) Bleomycin;

(105) Boroglycerin glycerite;

(105.3) Bortezomib;

(105.5) Bosentan;

(105.7) Botulinum toxin (B);

(106) Botulism antitoxin;

(107) Bretylium;

(107.3) Briazolamide;

(107.5) Brimonidine;

(108) Bromelains -- See exceptions;

(108.5) Bromfenac;

(109) Bromisovalum;

(110) Bromocriptine;

(111) Bromodiphenhydramine;

(112) Brompheniramine -- See exceptions;

(113) Brucella antigen;

(114) Brucella protein nucleate;

(115) Buclizine;

(115.3) Budesonide;

(115.5) Bumetanide;

(116) Bupivacaine;

(116.05) Reserved;

(116.1) Bupropion;

(116.5) Buspirone;

(117) Busulfan;

(118) Butacaine;

(119) Butaperazine;

(119.05) Butenafine -- See exceptions;

(119.1) Butoconazole -- See exceptions;

(120) Reserved;

(121) Butyl nitrite;

(122) Butyrophenone;

(122.5) Cabergoline;

(123) Cadmium sulfide -- See exceptions;

(124) Caffeine sodium benzoate;

(124.3) Calcifediol;

(124.7) Calcipotriene;

(125) Calcitonin, Salmon;

(126) Calcitriol;

(127) Calcium disodium edetate -- See exceptions;

(128) Calcium gluconogalactogluconate;

(129) Calcium levulinate;

(129.5) Calfactant;

(130) Calusterone;

(130.3) Canakinumab;

(130.5) Candesartan;

(131) Candicidin;

(132) Cantharidin;

(132.5) Capecitabine;

(133) Capreomycin;

(133.05) Capsaicin -- see exceptions;

(133.1) Captopril;

(134) Capyodiame;

(135) Caramiphen;

(136) Carbachol;

(137) Carbamazepine;

(138) Carbazochrome;

(139) Carbenicillin;

(140) Carbetapentane;

(141) Carbidopa;

(142) Carbinoxamine;

(142.5) Carboplatin;

(143) Reserved;

(144) Carmustine;

(144.1) Carnitine;

(145) Carphenazine;

(145.6) Carteolol;

(145.8) Carvedilol;

(146) Casein hydrolysate;

(146.6) Caspofungin;

(147) Catarrhalis combined vaccine;

(148) Catarrhalis vaccine mixed;

(149) Cefaclor;

(150) Cefadroxil;

(151) Cefamandole;

(151.3) Cefazolin;

(151.4) Cefdinir;

(151.45) Cefditoren;

(151.5) Cefepime;

(151.6) Cefixime;

(151.7) Cefmetazole;

(151.8) Cefonicid;

(152) Cefoperazone;

(152.1) Ceforanide;

(152.2) Cefotaxime;

(152.3) Cefotetan;

(152.7) Cefotiam;

(152.9) Cefoxitin;

(153.1) Cefpiramide;

(153.2) Cefpodoxime;

(153.3) Cefprozil;

(153.4) Ceftazidime;

(153.5) Ceftibuten;

(153.6) Ceftizoxime;

(153.8) Ceftriaxone;

(153.9) Cefuroxime;

(153.95) Celecoxib;

(154) Cellulose, Oxadized, Regenerated -- See exceptions;

(155) Cephalexin;

(156) Cephaloglycin;

(157) Cephaloridine;

(158) Cephalothin;

(159) Cephapirin;

(159.3) Cephradine;

(159.6) Ceretec;

(159.8) Cerivastatin;

(160) Certolizumab;

(160.1) Ceruletide;

(160.15) Cetirizine -- See exceptions;

(160.16) Cetrorelix;

(160.165) Cetuximab;

(160.17) Cevimeline;

(160.20) Chenodiol;

(161) Chlophedianol;

(162) Chlorambucil;

(163) Chloramphenicol;

(164) Chloranil -- See exceptions;

(165) Chlordantoin;

(166) Chlordiazepoxide in combination with clidinium bromide or water soluble esterified estrogens;

(166.5) Chlorhexidine -- See exceptions;

(167) Chlormadinone;

(168) Chlormerodrin;

(169) Chlormezanone;

(170) Chloroacetic acid -- See exceptions;

(171) Chlorobutanol -- See exceptions;

(172) Chloroform -- See exceptions;

(173) Chloroguanide;

(174) Chloroprocaine;

(175) Chloroquine;

(176) Chlorothiazide;

(177) Chlorotrianisene;

(178) Chloroxine;

(179) Chlorphenesin;

(180) Chlorpheniramine -- See exceptions;

(181) Chlorphenoxamine;

(182) Chlorpromazine;

(183) Chlorpropamide;

(184) Chlorprothixene;

(185) Chlorquinaldol;

(186) Chlortetracycline;

(187) Chlorthalidone;

(188) Chlorzoxazone;

(189) Cholera vaccine;

(190) Cholestyramine resin;

(191) Chondroitin;

(191.5) Chymopapain;

(192) Chymotrypsin;

(192.02) Ciclesonide;

(192.03) Ciclopirox;

(192.05) Cidofovir;

(192.1) Cilastatin;

(192.4) Cilexetil;

(192.7) Cilostazol;

(193) Cimetidine -- See exceptions;

(193.5) Cinacalcet;

(194) Cinoxacin;

(194.5) Ciprofloxacin;

(194.7) Cisapride;

(194.8) Cisatracurium;

(195) Cisplatin;

(195.2) Citalopram;

(195.3) Cladribine;

(195.5) Clarithromycin;

(195.7) Clavulanate;

(196) Clemastine -- See exceptions;

(196.5) Clevidipine;

(197) Clidinium bromide;

(198) Clindamycin;

(198.1) Clobetasol propionate;

(199) Clocortolone pivalate;

(200) Clofibrate;

(201) Clomiphene;

(201.5) Clomipramine;

(202) Clonidine;

(203) Clopidogerel;

(204) Clostridiopeptidase;

(205) Clotrimazole -- See exceptions;

(206) Cloxacillin;

(206.5) Clozapine;

(207) Coal tar solution topical;

(208) Cobra venom;

(209) Colchicine -- See exceptions;

(209.5) Colesevelam;

(210) Colestipol;

(211) Colistimethate;

(212) Colistin;

(213) Collagenase;

(213.3) Conivaptan;

(213.5) Corticorelin;

(214) Corticotropin;

(215) Corticotropin, Respository;

(216) Cortisone;

(217) Cosyntropin;

(217.5) Crixivan;

(218) Cromolyn -- See exceptions;

(219) Crotaline antivenin, Polyvalent;

(220) Crotamiton;

(221) Cryptenamine;

(221.5) Cupric chloride -- injectable;

(222) Cyanide antidote;

(223) Cyclacillin;

(224) Cyclandelate;

(225) Reserved;

(226) Cyclobenzaprine;

(227) Cyclomethycaine;

(228) Cyclopentamine;

(229) Cyclopentolate;

(230) Cyclophosphamide;

(231) Cycloserine;

(231.5) Cyclosporine;

(232) Cyclothiazide;

(233) Cycrimine;

(234) Cyproheptadine;

(234.5) Cysteamine;

(235) Cytarabine;

(236) Dacarbazine;

(236.6) Daclizumab;

(237) Dactinomycin;

(237.2) Dalfopristin;

(237.5) Dalteparin;

(237.7) Danaparoid;

(238) Danazol;

(239) Dantrolene;

(239.5) Dapiprazole;

(240) Dapsone -- See exceptions;

(240.3) Daptomycin;

(240.5) Darbepoetin alfa;

(240.6) Darifenacin;

(240.7) Darunavir;

(240.9) Dasatinib;

(241) Daunorubicin;

(242) Deanol;

(243) Decamethonium;

(243.3) Decitabine;

(243.5) Deferasirox;

(244) Deferoxamine;

(244.4) Degarelix;

(244.5) Delavirdine;

(245) Demecarium;

(246) Demeclocycline;

(247) Demethylchlortetracycline;

(248) Deoxyribonuclease, Pancreatic;

(249) Deserpidine;

(249.5) Desflurane;

(250) Desipramine;

(250.5) Desirudin;

(251) Deslanoside;

(251.5) Desloratadine;

(252) Desmopressin;

(252.5) Desogestrel;

(253) Desonide;

(254) Desoximetasone;

(255) Desoxycorticosterone;

(256) Desoxyribonuclease;

(256.5) Desvenlafaxine;

(257) Dexamethasone;

(258) Dexbrompheniramine -- See exceptions;

(259) Dexchlorpheniramine;

(259.5) Dexlansoprazole;

(260) Dexpanthenol;

(260.5) Dexrazoxane;

(261) Dextran;

(262) Reserved;

(263) Dextriferron;

(264) Dextroisoephedrine;

(265) Dextrothyroxine;

(265.5) Dezocine;

(266) Diatrizoate;

(267) Diazoxide;

(268) Dibucaine;

(269) Dichloralphenazone;

(270) Dichlorphenamide;

(270.5) Diclofenac;

(271) Dicloxacillin;

(272) Dicyclomine;

(272.5) Didanosine;

(273) Dienestrol;

(274) Diethylcarbamazine;

(275) Diethylstilbestrol;

(276) Reserved;

(277) Diflorasone diacetate;

(277.5) Diflunisal;

(277.57) Difluprednate;

(278) Digitalis;

(279) Digitoxin;

(280) Digoxin;

(281) Dihydroergocornine;

(282) Dihydroergocristine;

(283) Dihydroergocryptine;

(284) Dihydroergotamine;

(285) Dihydrostreptomycin;

(286) Dihydrotachysterol;

(287) Diiodohydroxyquin;

(287.5) Diltiazem;

(288) Dimenhydrinate -- Injection or suppositories;

(289) Dimercaprol;

(290) Dimethindene;

(291) Dimethisterone;

(292) Dimethyl sulfoxide -- See exceptions;

(293) Dimethyl tubocurarine;

(293.5) Dimyristoyl;

(294) Dinoprost;

(295) Dinoprostone;

(296) Dioxyline;

(297) Diphemanil;

(298) Diphenadione;

(299) Diphenhydramine -- See exceptions;

(300) Diphenidol;

(301) Diphenylhydantoin;

(302) Diphenylpyraline;

(303) Diphtheria antitoxin;

(304) Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids;

(305) Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine;

(306) Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, Absorbed;

(307) Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, Pertussis;

(308) Diphtheria toxoid;

(309) Dipivefrin;

(310) Dipyridamole;

(311) Dipyron;

(311.3) Dirithromycin;

(311.5) Disibind;

(312) Disodium edetate -- See exceptions;

(313) Disopyramide;

(314) Disulfiram;

(314.5) Divalproex;

(315) Dobutamine;

(315.5) Docetaxel;

(315.7) Docosanol -- See exceptions;

(316) Doderlein bacilli;

(316.2) Dofetilide;

(316.3) Dolasetron;

(316.5) Donepezil;

(317) Dopamine;

(317.2) Doripenem;

(317.3) Dornase Alpha;

(317.4) Dorzolamide;

(317.5) Doxacurium;

(318) Doxapram;

(318.5) Doxazosin mesylate;

(319) Doxepin;

(319.5) Doxercalciferol;

(320) Doxorubicin;

(321) Doxycycline;

(322) Doxylamine;

(323) Doxylamine succinate;

(324) Dromostanolone;

(324.5) Dronedarone;

(325) Droperidol;

(325.3) Drospirenone;

(325.4) Drotrecogin alfa;

(325.45) Duloxetine;

(325.5) Dutasteride;

(326) Dyclonine;

(327) Dydrogesterone;

(328) Dyphylline;

(328.5) Ecallantide;

(329) Echothiophate;

(329.5) Econazole;

(330) Ectylurea;

(330.3) Eculizumab;

(330.5) Edetate -- See exceptions;

(331) Edrophonium;

(331.03) Efavirenz;

(331.05) Eflornithine;

(331.06) Eltrombopag;

(331.07) Emedastine;

(331.072) Emtricitabine;

(331.1) Enalapril;

(331.6) Enalaprilat;

(332) Enflurane;

(332.2) Enfuvirtide;

(332.5) Enoxacin;

(332.7) Enoxaparin;

(332.8) Entacapone;

(332.85) Entecavir;

(332.9) Epinastine;

(333) Epinephrine;

(334) Epinephryl borate;

(334.3) Epirubicin;

(334.4) Eplerenone;

(334.5) Epoprostenol;

(334.7) Eprosartan;

(334.8) Eptifibatide;

(335) Ergocalciferol -- See exceptions;

(335.5) Ergoloid mesylates;

(336) Ergonovine;

(337) Ergotamine;

(338) Ergosine;

(339) Ergocristine;

(340) Ergocryptine;

(341) Ergocornine;

(342) Ergotaminine;

(343) Ergosinine;

(344) Ergocristinine;

(345) Ergocryptinine;

(346) Ergocorninine;

(346.1) Erlotinib;

(346.5) Ertapenem;

(347) Erythrityl tetranitrate;

(348) Erythromycin;

(348.722) Escitalopram;

(349) Eserine;

(349.4) Esmolol;

(349.7) Esomeprazole;

(350) Esterified estrogens;

(351) Estradiol;

(352) Estriol;

(353) Estrogens;

(354) Estrogenic substances;

(355) Estrone;

(355.5) Estropipate;

(356) Ethacrynate;

(357) Ethacrynic acid;

(358) Ethambutol;

(359) Ethamivan;

(359.5) Ethanolamine oleate;

(360) Ethaverine;

(361) Ether -- See exceptions;

(361.5) Ethinamate;

(362) Ethinyl estradiol;

(363) Ethiodized oil;

(364) Ethionamide;

(365) Ethisterone;

(366) Ethoheptazine;

(367) Ethopropazine;

(368) Ethosuximide;

(369) Ethotoin;

(370) Ethoxazene -- See exceptions;

(371) Ethoxyzolamide;

(372) Ethyl biscoumacetate;

(373) Ethyl chloride -- See exceptions;

(374) Ethyl nitrite spirit;

(375) Reserved;

(376) Ethylnorepinephrine;

(377) Ethynodiol diacetate;

(378) Etidocaine;

(379) Etidronate;

(379.05) Etodolac;

(379.07) Etomidate;

(379.09) Etonogestrel;

(379.1) Etoposide;

(379.5) Etravirine;

(380) Eucatropine;

(380.3) Everolimus;

(380.5) Exemestane;

(380.6) Exenatide;

(380.7) Ezetimibe;

(381) Factor IX complex, Human;

(381.1) Famciclovir;

(381.2) Famotidine -- See exceptions;

(381.3) Felbamate;

(381.5) Felodipine;

(381.55) Fenfibrate;

(381.6) Fenofenadine;

(381.7) Fenofibrate;

(381.75) Fenofibric acid;

(381.8) Fenoldopam;

(382) Fenoprofen;

(382.25) Febuxostat;

(383) Ferric cacodylate;

(383.15) Ferric Hexacyanoferrate;

(383.3) Ferumoxides;

(383.4) Ferumoxsil;

(383.43) Ferumoxytol;

(383.45) Fesoterodine;

(383.5) Fexofenadine;

(384) Fibrinogen;

(385) Fibrinogen/antihemophilic factor, Human;

(386) Fibrinolysin, Human;

(386.3) Finasteride;

(386.5) Filgrastin;

(387) Flavoxate;

(387.1) Flecainide acetate;

(388) Florantyrone;

(388.5) Flosequinan;

(389) Floxuridine;

(389.5) Fluconazole;

(390) Flucytosine;

(390.5) Fludarabine;

(390.7) Fludeoxyglucose;

(391) Fludrocortisone;

(391.5) Flumazenil;

(392) Flumethasone;

(392.1) Flunisolide;

(393) Fluocinonide;

(394) Fluocinolone;

(395) Fluorescein;

(396) Fluoride -- See exceptions;

(396.5) Fluorometholone;

(397) Fluorophosphates;

(398) Fluorouracil;

(399) Fluoxetine;

(399.5) Fluoxymesterone;

(400) Fluphenazine;

(401) Fluprednisolone;

(402) Flurandrenolide;

(402.2) Flurbiprofen;

(402.5) Flutamide;

(402.7) Fluticasone;

(402.8) Fluvastatin;

(402.9) Fluvoxamine;

(403) Folate sodium;

(404) Folic acid -- See exceptions;

(404.3) Follitropin;

(404.5) Fomivirsen;

(404.7) Fondaparinux;

(405) Foreign protein;

(406) Formaldehyde -- See exceptions;

(406.2) Formoterol;

(406.3) Fosamprenavir;

(406.35) Fosaprepitant;

(406.4) Foscarnet;

(406.5) Fosfomycin;

(406.7) Fosinopril;

(406.9) Fosphenytoin;

(406.93) Fospropofol;

(406.95) Frovatriptan;

(407) Furazolidone;

(408) Furosemide;

(408.2) Gabapentin;

(408.25) Gadobenate;

(408.3) Gadodiamide;

(408.35) Gadofosveset;

(408.4) Gadopentetate dimeglumine;

(408.6) Gadoteridol;

(408.8) Gadoversetamide;

(408.85) Gadoxetate;

(408.9) Galantamine;

(409) Gallamine triethiodide;

(409.3) Gallium citrate;

(409.5) Gallium nitrate;

(409.8) Galsulfase;

(410) Gamma benzene hexachloride;

(411) Gamma globulin;

(411.5) Ganciclovir;

(411.7) Ganirelix;

(412) Gas gangrene polyvalent antitoxin;

(412.03) Gatifloxacin;

(412.04) Gefitinib;

(412.05) Gemcitabine;

(412.1) Gemfibrozil;

(412.2) Gemifloxacin;

(412.3) Gemtuzumab ozogamicin;

(412.5) Genotropin;

(413) Gentamicin;

(414) Gentian violet vaginal suppositories;

(415) Gitalin;

(415.03) Glatiramer;

(415.05) Glimepiride;

(415.1) Glipizide;

(416) Glucagon;

(417) Gluceptate;

(418) Gluconate magnesium;

(419) Gluconate potassium -- See exceptions;

(420) Glutamate arginine;

(420.1) Glyburide;

(420.5) Glycine -- See exceptions;

(421) Glycobiarsol;

(422) Glycopyrrolate;

(423) Gold sodium thiomalate;

(424) Gold thiosulfate -- See exceptions;

(424.4) Golimumab;

(425) Gomenol Solution;

(425.5) Gonadorelin acetate;

(426) Gonadotropin, Chroinic;

(427) Gonadotropin, Chroinic, Anti-human serum;

(428) Gonadotropin, Serum;

(428.5) Goserelin;

(429) Gramicidin;

(430) Gramineae pollens;

(430.3) Gramosetron;

(430.5) Granisetron;

(431) Griseofulvin;

(431.5) Guanabenz;

(432) Guanethidine;

(432.4) Guanadrel;

(432.7) Guanfacine;

(432.9) Guanidine;

(433) Halcinonide;

(433.5) Halobetasol Propionate;

(433.7) Halofantrine;

(434) Haloperidol;

(435) Haloprogin;

(436) Halothane;

(437) Hartman's solution;

(438) Heparin;

(439) Hetacillin;

(440) Hexachlorophene -- See exceptions;

(441) Hexafluorenium;

(442) Hexocyclium;

(443) Hexylcaine;

(444) Histamine;

(445) Histoplasmin;

(445.5) Histrelin acetate;

(446) Homatropine;

(446.4) Human secretin;

(446.6) Hyaluronan;

(446.7) Hyaluronic acid;

(447) Hyaluronidase;

(448) Hydralazine;

(449) Hydrocalciferol;

(450) Hydrochlorothiazide;

(451) Hydrocortamate;

(452) Hydrocortisone -- See exceptions;

(453) Hydroflumethiazide;

(454) Hydroquinone;

(455) Hydroxocobalamin -- See exceptions;

(456) Hydroxyamphetamine;

(457) Hydroxychloroquine;

(458) Hydroxyprogesterone;

(459) Hydroxyurea;

(460) Hydroxyzine;

(461) Hyoscyamine;

(462) Hyoscyamus alkaloids;

(463) Hypophamine;

(463.03) Ibandronate;

(464) Ibuprofen -- See exceptions;

(464.05) Ibutilide;

(464.1) Idarubicin;

(464.3) Idoxuridine;

(464.5) Idursulfase;

(464.6) Ifosfamide;

(464.67) Iloperidone;

(464.7) Iloprost;

(464.8) Imatinib;

(465) Imiglucerase;

(465.1) Imipenem/cilastatin;

(466) Imipramine;

(466.5) Imiquimod;

(467) Immune hepatitis B globulin, Human;

(468) Immune poliomyelitis globulin, Human;

(469) Immune serum globulin, Human;

(469.1) Indapamide;

(469.5) Indecainide;

(470) Indigotindisulfonate;

(470.05) Indinavir;

(470.1) Indium IN-III oxyquinolone;

(470.3) Indium IN-III pentetreotide;

(471) Indocyanine green;

(472) Indomethacin;

(472.5) Infliximab;

(473) Influenza virus vaccines;

(474) Injections, All substances for human use -- See exceptions;

(474.2) Insulin aspart;

(474.4) Insulin glargine;

(474.45) Insulin glulisine;

(474.5) Interferon;

(475) Intrinsic factor concentrate manufactured for human use;

(475.3) Inulin;

(475.5) Iobenguane;

(476) Iocetamic acid;

(477) Iodamide;

(478) Iodinated I-125 serum albumin;

(479) Iodinated I-131 serum albumin;

(480) Iodinated glycerol-theophylline;

(481) Iodine solution, Strong oral;

(482) Iodipamide;

(482.5) Iodixanol;

(483) Iodized oil;

(484) Iodobenzoic acid -- See exceptions;

(485) Iodobrassid;

(485.1) Iodohippurate sodium;

(486) Iodopyracet;

(487) Iodothiouracil;

(487.05) Iofetamine;

(487.08) Iohexol;

(487.1) Iopamidol;

(488) Iopanoic acid -- See exceptions;

(489) Iophendylate;

(489.1) Iopromide;

(489.2) Iothalamate;

(489.3) Iothiouracil;

(489.5) Iotrolan;

(489.6) Ioversol;

(490.1) Ioxaglate;

(490.5) Ioxilan;

(491) Ipodate;

(491.5) Ipratropium;

(491.6) Irbesartan;

(491.7) Irinotecan;

(492) Iron cacodylate;

(493) Iron dextran injection;

(494) Iron peptonized;

(495) Iron sorbitex;

(496) Isocarboxazid;

(497) Isoetharine;

(498) Isoflurane;

(499) Isoflurophate;

(500) Isometheptene;

(501) Isoniazid;

(502) Isopropamide;

(503) Isoproterenol;

(504) Isosorbide dinitrate;

(504.05) Isosorbide mononitrate;

(504.1) Isosulfan blue;

(505) Isothipendyl;

(505.5) Isotretinoin;

(506) Isoxsuprine;

(506.5) Isradipine;

(506.7) Itraconazole;

(506.8) Ivermectin;

(506.9) Ixabepilone;

(507) Kanamycin;

(508) Reserved;

(509) Ketocholanic acids;

(509.1) Ketoconazole -- See exceptions;

(509.15) Ketoprofen -- See exceptions;

(509.17) Ketorolac tromethamine;

(509.18) Ketotifen -- See exceptions;

(509.2) Labetalol;

(509.7) Lacosamide;

(510) Lactated ringers solution;

(511) Lactulose;

(511.3) Lamivudine;

(511.5) Lamotrigine;

(512) Lanatoside C;

(512.3) Lanreotide;

(512.5) Lansoprazole -- see exceptions;

(512.6) Lanthanum;

(512.67) Lapatinib;

(512.7) Latanoprost;

(513) Latrodectus mactans;

(513.5) Leflunomide;

(513.7) Lenalidomide;

(513.8) Letrozole;

(514) Leucovorin;

(514.1) Leuprolide;

(514.5) Levalbuterol;

(515) Reserved;

(515.5) Levamisole;

(516) Levarterenol;

(516.05) Levetiracetam;

(516.07) Levobetaxolol;

(516.1) Levobunolol;

(516.3) Levobupivacine;

(516.5) Levocabastine;

(516.7) Levocarnitine;

(516.75) Levocetirizine;

(517) Levodopa;

(517.2) Levofloxacin;

(517.25) Levoleucovorin;

(517.3) Levomethadyl;

(517.4) Levonordefrin;

(518) Levopropoxyphene;

(519) Levothyroxine;

(520) Lidocaine -- See exceptions;

(521) Lincomycin;

(522) Lindane -- See exceptions;

(522.5) Linezolid;

(523) Linolenic acid;

(524) Liothyronine;

(525) Liotrix;

(525.5) Lisinopril;

(526) Lithium carbonate -- See exceptions;

(527) Lithium citrate;

(528) Liver extract;

(528.3) Lodoxamide;

(528.5) Lomefloxacin;

(529) Lomustine;

(529.1) Loperamide -- See exceptions;

(529.5) Lopinavir;

(529.7) Loracarbef;

(529.9) Loratadine -- See exceptions;

(529.95) Losartan;

(529.97) Loteprednol;

(530) Lovastatin;

(530.5) Loxapine;

(530.7) Lubiprostone;

(531) Lugols solution;

(531.5) Lumefantrine;

(532) Lututrin;

(533) Lymphogranuloma venereum antigen;

(534) Lypressin synthetic;

(535) Mafenide;

(536) Magnesium gluconate -- See exceptions;

(537) Magnesium salicylate;

(538) Mandelic acid -- See exceptions;

(539) Mannitol -- See exceptions;

(540) Mannitol hexanitrate;

(540.1) Maprotiline;

(540.3) Maraviroc;

(540.5) Masoprocol;

(541) Measles immune globulin, Human;

(542) Measles virus vaccines;

(543) Mebendazole for human use;

(544) Mecamylamine;

(544.5) Mecasermin;

(545) Mechlorethamine;

(546) Meclizine -- See exceptions;

(546.5) Meclocycline;

(547) Meclofenamate;

(548) Medroxyprogesterone;

(549) Medrysone;

(550) Mefenamic acid;

(550.5) Mefloguine;

(551) Megestrol;

(552) Meglumine;

(552.5) Meloxicam;

(553) Melphalan;

(553.5) Memantine;

(554) Menadiol;

(555) Menadione;

(556) Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine;

(557) Menotropins;

(558) Mepenzolate;

(559) Mephenesin;

(560) Mephentermine;

(561) Mephenytoin;

(562) Meprednisone;

(563) Mepivacaine;

(563.5) Mequinol;

(564) Meralluride;

(565) Mercaptomerin;

(566) Mercaptopurine;

(567) Mercury bichloride -- See exceptions;

(567.1) Meropenem;

(567.2) Mersalyl;

(567.3) Mesalamine;

(567.5) Mesna;

(568) Mesoridazine;

(569) Mestranol;

(570) Metaproterenol;

(571) Metaraminol;

(572) Metaxalone;

(572.5) Metformin;

(573) Methacholine;

(574) Methacycline;

(575) Methallenestril;

(576) Reserved;

(577) Reserved;

(578) Methantheline;

(579) Methazolamide;

(580) Methdilazine;

(581) Methenamine hippurate;

(582) Methenamine mandelate;

(583) Methenamine sulfosalicylate;

(584) Methicillin;

(585) Methimazole;

(586) Methiodal;

(587) Methionine;

(588) Methixene;

(589) Methocarbamol;

(590) Methotrexate;

(591) Methotrimeprazine;

(592) Methoxamine;

(593) Methoxsalen;

(594) Methoxyflurane;

(595) Methoxyphenamine;

(595.5) Methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta;

(596) Methscopolamine;

(597) Methsuximide;

(598) Methyclothiazide;

(599) Methylandrostenediol;

(600) Methylatropine;

(601) Methyldopa;

(602) Methyldopate;

(603) Methylene blue, Oral;

(604) Methylergonovine;

(604.5) Methylnaltrexone;

(605) Methylprednisolone;

(606) Reserved;

(607) Methysergide;

(608) Metoclopramide;

(609) Metocurine iodide injection;

(610) Metolazone;

(611) Metoprolol;

(612) Metrizamide;

(612.5) Metrizoate;

(613) Metronidazole;

(614) Metyrapone;

(615) Metyrosine;

(615.01) Mexiletine;

(615.1) Mezlocillin;

(615.6) Mibefradil;

(615.9) Micafungin;

(616) Miconazole -- See exceptions;

(617) Microfibrillar collagen hemostat;

(617.1) Midodrine;

(617.22) Midubosathol;

(617.3) Mifepristone;

(617.4) Miglitol;

(617.44) Miglustat;

(617.47) Milnacipran;

(617.5) Milrinone;

(618) Minocycline;

(619) Minoxidil -- See exceptions;

(619.3) Mirtazapine;

(619.5) Misoprostol;

(620) Mithramycin;

(621) Mitomycin;

(622) Mitotane;

(622.3) Mitoxantrone;

(622.5) Mivacurium;

(622.7) Moexipril;

(623) Molindone;

(623.5) Mometasone;

(624) Monobenzone;

(624.1) Monooctanoin;

(624.5) Montelukast;

(624.7) Moricizine;

(625) Morrhuate;

(625.1) Moxalactam;

(625.3) Moxidectin;

(625.5) Moxifloxacin;

(626) Mumps virus vaccines;

(626.5) Mupirocin;

(627) Mushroom spores which, when mature, contain either psilocybin or psilocin;

(627.5) Mycophenolate;

(628) N-acetyl-1-cysteine;

(629) N. cattarhalis antigen;

(629.5) Nabumetone;

(630) Nadolol;

(630.5) Nafarelin;

(631) Nafcillin;

(631.5) Naftifine;

(632) Nalbuphine;

(633) Reserved;

(634) Nalidixic acid;

(634.5) Nalmefene;

(635) Naloxone;

(635.1) Naltrexone;

(636) Reserved;

(637) Naphazoline -- See exceptions;

(638) Naproxen -- See exceptions;

(638.3) Naratriptan;

(638.4) Natalizumab;

(638.45) Nebivolol;

(638.5) Nedocromil;

(638.7) Nefazodone;

(638.75) Nelarabine;

(638.8) Nelfinavir;

(639) Neomycin -- See exceptions;

(640) Neostigmine;

(640.1) Nepafenac;

(640.2) Nesiritide;

(640.3) Netilmicin;

(640.4) Nevirapine;

(640.5) Niacinamide -- See exceptions;

(640.7) Nicardipine;

(640.8) Niclosamide;

(641.1) Nicotine resin complex (polacrilex) -- See exceptions;

(641.15) Nicotine transdermal system -- See exceptions;

(642) Nicotinyl alcohol;

(642.1) Nifedipine;

(643) Nifuroximine;

(644) Nikethamide;

(644.3) Nilotinib;

(644.4) Nilutamide;

(644.5) Nimodipine;

(644.7) Nisoldipine;

(644.72) Nitazoxanide;

(644.8) Nitisinone;

(644.9) Nitric oxide -- for use in humans;

(645) Nitrofurantoin;

(646) Nitrofurazone;

(647) Nitroglycerin;

(648) Nitroprusside -- See exceptions;

(648.3) Nitrous oxide -- See exceptions;

(648.6) Nizatidine -- See exceptions;

(649.1) Nomifensine maleate;

(650) Nonoxynol -- See exceptions;

(651) Norepinephrine;

(652) Norethindrone;

(653) Norethynodrel;

(653.5) Norfloxacin;

(654) Norgestrel;

(655) Normal serum albumin, Human;

(656) Nortriptyline;

(657) Nositol;

(658) Novobiocin;

(659) Nux vomica;

(660) Nylidrin;

(661) Nystatin;

(661.5) Octreotide acetate;

(661.6) Ofatumumab;

(661.7) Ofloxacin;

(661.8) Olanzapine;

(662) Old tuberculin;

(663) Oleandomycin;

(663.1) Olmesartan;

(663.2) Olopatadine;

(663.3) Olsalazine Sodium;

(663.4) Omega-3-acid;

(663.5) Omeprazole -- See exceptions;

(663.7) Ondansetron;

(663.75) Orlistat -- See exceptions;

(664) Orphenadrine;

(665) Orthoiodobenzoic acid;

(665.5) Oseltamivir;

(665.7) Ovine hyaluronidase;

(666) Oxacillin;

(666.4) Oxaliplatin;

(666.6) Oxamniquine;

(667) Oxaprozin;

(667.5) Oxcarbazepine;

(668) Oxethazaine;

(668.5) Oxiconazole;

(669) Oxolinic acid;

(669.1) Oxprenolol;

(670) Oxtriphylline;

(671) Oxybutynin;

(672) Oxygen for human use -- See exceptions;

(673) Reserved;

(674) Oxyphenbutazone;

(675) Oxyphencyclimine;

(676) Oxyphenisatin;

(677) Oxyphenonium;

(678) Oxyquinoline;

(679) Oxytetracycline;

(680) Oxytocin;

(680.5) Ozogamicin;

(681) P-nitrosulfathiazole;

(681.3) Paclitaxel;

(681.4) Palifermin;

(681.45) Paliperidone;

(681.5) Palonosetron;

(681.7) Pamidronate;

(682) Pancreatin dornase;

(683) Pancreatic enzyme;

(684) Pancrelipase;

(685) Pancuronium;

(685.5) Panidronate;

(685.6) Panitumumab;

(685.7) Pantoprazole;

(686) Papaverine;

(687) Paramethadione;

(688) Paramethasone;

(689) Paranitrosulfathiazole;

(690) Parathyroid injection;

(691) Pargyline;

(691.5) Paricalcitol;

(692) Paromomycin;

(692.2) Paroxetine;

(692.3) Pazopanib;

(692.4) Pegademase bovine;

(692.5) Pegaspargase;

(692.51) Pegfilgrastin;

(692.515) Peginterferon;

(692.52) Pegvisomant;

(692.54) Pemetrexed;

(692.55) Pemirolast;

(692.6) Penbutolol;

(692.8) Penciclovir;

(693) Penicillamine;

(694) Penicillin;

(695) Penicillin G;

(696) Penicillin O;

(697) Penicillin V;

(698) Penicillinase;

(699) Pentaerythritol tetranitrate;

(700) Pentagastrin;

(700.1) Pentamidine isethionate;

(701) Pentapiperide;

(701.5) Pentetate calcium trisodium;

(701.7) Pentetate zinc trisodium;

(702) Penthienate;

(703) Pentolinium;

(703.03) Pentosan;

(703.05) Pentostatin;

(703.1) Pentoxifylline;

(703.4) Pentylenetetrazol;

(703.45) Perflexane;

(703.5) Perflubron;

(703.6) Perfluoroalkylpolyether;

(703.65) Perflutren;

(703.7) Pergolide;

(704) Perindopril;

(704.1) Permethrin -- See exceptions;

(705) Perphenazine;

(706) Pertussis immune globulin, Human;

(707) Phenacemide;

(708) Phenaglycodol;

(709) Phenaphthazine;

(710) Phenazopyridine -- See exceptions;

(711) Phenelzine;

(712) Phenethicillin;

(713) Phenformin;

(714) Phenindamine;

(715) Phenindione;

(716) Pheniramine -- See exceptions;

(717) Phenitramin;

(718) Phenothiazine derivatives;

(719) Phenoxybenzamine;

(720) Phenoxymethyl penicillin;

(721) Phenuprocoumon;

(722) Phensuximide;

(723) Phentolamine;

(724) Phenylbutazone;

(725) Phenylmercuric acetate;

(726) Phenylmercuric nitrate;

(726.5) Phenylpropanolamine;

(727) Phenyltoloxamine dihydrogen citrate;

(727.2) Phenytoin;

(728) Phthalylsulfacetamide;

(729) Phthalylsulfathiazole;

(730) Physostigmine;

(731) Phytonadione;

(731.1) Pimozide;

(732) Pilocarpine;

(732.3) Pinacidil;

(732.7) Pindolol;

(732.8) Pioglitazone;

(732.9) Pimecrolimus;

(733) Pipazethate;

(733.5) Pipecuronium;

(734) Pipenzolate;

(735) Piperacetazine;

(735.1) Piperacillin;

(736) Piperazine;

(737) Piperidolate;

(738) Piperocaine;

(739) Pipobraman;

(740) Pipradrol;

(740.05) Pirbuterol;

(740.1) Piroxicam;

(740.5) Pitavastatin;

(741) Plague vaccine;

(742) Plasma protein fraction;

(742.3) Plerixafor;

(742.5) Plicamycin;

(743) Pneumococcal polyvalent vaccine;

(743.3) Podofilox;

(743.5) Podophyllotoxin;

(744) Poison ivy extract;

(745) Poison ivy oak extract;

(746) Poison ivy oak, sumac extract;

(747) Poldine methylsulfate;

(748) Poliomyelitis vaccine;

(749) Poliovirus vaccine, Live, Oral, All;

(750) Polyestradiol;

(751) Polymyxin B -- See exceptions;

(751.5) Polytetrafluoroethylene;

(752) Polythiazide;

(752.2) Poractant alfa;

(752.5) Porfimer;

(752.7) Posaconazole;

(753) Posterior pituitary;

(754) Potassium acetate injection;

(755) Potassium acid phosphate -- See exceptions;

(756) Potassium p-aminobenzoate -- See exceptions;

(757) Potassium aminosalicylate -- See exceptions;

(758) Potassium arsenite -- See exceptions;

(759) Potassium bicarbonate -- See exceptions;

(760) Potassium carbonate -- See exceptions;

(761) Potassium chloride -- See exceptions;

(762) Potassium citrate -- See exceptions;

(763) Potassium gluconate -- See exceptions;

(764) Potassium hetacillin;

(765) Potassium iodide -- See exceptions;

(766) Reserved;

(767) Potassium permanganate -- See exceptions;

(768) Povidone -- Iodine -- See exceptions;

(768.8) Pralatrexate;

(769) Pralidoxime;

(769.2) Pramipexole;

(769.3) Pramlintide;

(769.35) Prasugrel;

(769.4) Pravastatin;

(769.7) Praziquantel;

(770) Prazosin;

(770.5) Prednicarbate;

(771) Prednisolone;

(772) Prednisone;

(773) Prilocaine;

(774) Primaquine;

(775) Primidone;

(776) Probenecid;

(777) Probucol;

(778) Procainamide;

(779) Procaine;

(780) Procaine penicillin;

(781) Procaine penicillin G;

(782) Procarbazine;

(783) Prochlorperazine;

(784) Procyclidine;

(785) Progesterone;

(785.5) Proguanil;

(786) Promazine;

(787) Promethazine;

(788) Promethestrol;

(788.5) Propafenone;

(789) Propantheline;

(790) Proparacaine;

(791) Prophenpyridamine -- See exceptions;

(792) Propiolactone;

(793) Propiomazine;

(793.5) Propofol;

(794) Propoxycaine;

(795) Propranolol;

(795.5) Propylhexedrine;

(796) Propylparaben;

(797) Propylthiouracil;

(798) Protamine sulfate injection;

(799) Protein hydrolysate injection;

(800) Protein, Foreign injection;

(801) Proteolytic enzyme;

(802) Protirelin;

(803) Protokylol;

(804) Protoveratrine A and B;

(805) Protriptyline;

(805.5) Prussian blue;

(806) Pseudoephedrine -- See exceptions;

(807) Pseudomonas polysaccharide complex;

(808) P-ureidobenzenearsonic acid;

(809) Purified protein derivatives of tuberculin;

(810) Pyrantel;

(811) Pyrazinamide;

(812) Pyrazolon;

(813) Pyridostigmine;

(814) Pyrimethamine;

(815) Pyrrobutamine;

(816) Pyrvinium;

(816.5) Quetiapine;

(817) Quinacrine;

(817.5) Quinapril;

(818) Quinestrol;

(819) Quinethazone;

(820) Quinidine;

(821) Quinine hydrochloride;

(822) Quinine and urea hydrochloride;

(822.3) Quinupristin;

(822.5) Rabeprazole;

(823) Rabies anti-serum;

(824) Rabies immune globulin, Human;

(825) Rabies vaccine;

(826) Radio-iodinated compounds;

(827) Radio-iodine;

(828) Radio-iron;

(829) Radioisotopes;

(830) Radiopaque media;

(831) Ragweed pollen extract;

(831.02) Raloxifene;

(831.03) Raltegravir;

(831.04) Ramelteon;

(831.05) Ramipril;

(831.07) Ranibizumab;

(831.1) Ranitidine -- See exceptions;

(831.3) Ranolazine;

(831.5) Rapacuronium;

(831.7) Rasagiline;

(832) Rauwolfia serpentina;

(832.2) Reboparhamil;

(832.5) Regadenoson;

(833) Rescinnamine;

(834) Reserpine;

(835) Reserpine alkaloids;

(836) Resorcinol monoacetate -- See exceptions;

(836.3) Retapamulin;

(836.5) Retinoic acid, all-trans;

(837) Rhus toxicodendron antigen;

(838) Rh D immune globulin, Human;

(838.5) Ribavirin;

(839) Riboflavin -- See exceptions;

(840) Ricinoleic acid;

(840.5) Rifabutin;

(841) Reserved;

(842) Rifampin;

(842.1) Rifapentine;

(842.15) Rifaximin;

(842.17) Rilonacept;

(842.2) Riluzole;

(842.4) Rimantadine;

(842.7) Rimexolone;

(843) Ringer's injection;

(843.2) Risedronate;

(843.3) Risperidone;

(843.7) Ritodrine;

(843.8) Ritonavir;

(843.82) Rituximab;

(843.83) Rivastigmine;

(843.9) Rizatritpan;

(844) Rocky mountain spotted fever vaccine;

(844.5) Rocuronium;

(844.7) Rofecoxib;

(845) Rolitetracycline;

(845.1) Romidepsin;

(845.15) Romiplostim;

(845.3) Ropinirole;

(845.5) Ropivacaine;

(845.7) Rosiglitazone;

(845.8) Rosuvastatin;

(845.9) Rotavirus vaccine;

(845.95) Rotigotine;

(846) Rotoxamine;

(846.5) RSVIGIV;

(847) Rubella and mumps virus vaccine;

(848) Rubella virus vaccine;

(848.5) Rufinamide;

(849) Rutin -- See exceptions;

(849.5) Sacrosidase;

(850) Salicylazosulfapyridine;

(850.5) Salmeterol;

(851) Salmonella typhosa, Killed;

(851.02) Salvinorin A;

(851.03) Samarium SM 153 lexidronam;

(851.04) Saneromazile;

(851.045) Sapropterin;

(851.05) Saquinavir;

(851.1) Saralasin acetate;

(851.7) Saxagliptin;

(852) Scopolamine;

(852.1) Secretin;

(852.6) Selegiline;

(853) Selenium sulfide -- See exceptions;

(853.5) Selenomethionine;

(854) Senecio cineraria extract ophthalmic solution;

(855) Senega fluid extract;

(855.3) Seractide acetate;

(855.5) Sermorelin Acetate;

(855.6) Sertaconazole;

(855.7) Sertraline;

(855.74) Sevelamer;

(855.8) Sevoflurane;

(855.85) Sildenafil;

(855.9) Silodosin;

(856) Silver nitrate ophthalmic solutions or suspensions;

(857) Silver sulfadiazine cream;

(857.3) Simethicone coated cellulose suspension;

(857.5) Simvastatin;

(858) Sincalide;

(858.3) Sinecatechins;

(858.5) Sirolimus;

(858.7) Sitagliptin;

(859) Sitosterols;

(860) Solutions for injections, All;

(861) Smallpox vaccine;

(862) Sodium acetate injection;

(863) Sodium acetrizoate;

(864) Sodium ascorbate injection;

(865) Sodium biphosphate -- See exceptions;

(866) Sodium cacodylate;

(867) Sodium chloride injection;

(868) Sodium dehydrocholate;

(869) Sodium dextrothyroxine;

(870) Sodium estrone;

(871) Sodium fluorescein -- See exceptions;

(872) Sodium fluoride -- See exceptions;

(873) Sodium iothalamate;

(873.5) Sodium nitroprusside;

(873.7) Sodium phenylbutyrate;

(874) Sodium polystyrene sulfonate;

(875) Sodium propionated vaginal cream;

(876) Sodium sulfacetamide;

(877) Sodium sulfadiazine;

(878) Sodium sulfobromophthalein;

(879) Sodium sulfoxone;

(880) Sodium tetradecyl;

(880.5) Sodium thiosulfate;

(881) Sodium tyropanoate;

(881.05) Solifenacin;

(881.1) Somatrem;

(882) Somatropin;

(882.5) Sorafenib;

(883) Sorbus extract;

(883.5) Sotalol;

(883.8) Sparfloxacin;

(884) Sparteine;

(885) Spectinomycin;

(886) Spirapril;

(887) Spironolactone;

(888) Staphage lysate bacterial antigen;

(889) Staphylococcus and streptococcus vaccine;

(890) Staphylococcus toxoid;

(890.5) Stavudine;

(891) Stibophen;

(892) Stinging insect antigens -- Combined;

(893) Stockes expectorant;

(894) Stramonium;

(895) Streptococcus antigen;

(896) Streptokinase-streptodornase;

(897) Streptomycin;

(898) Strontium -- See exceptions;

(899) Strophanthin-G;

(900) Strychnine -- See exceptions;

(901) Succimer;

(902) Succinylchloline;

(903) Succinylsulfathiazole;

(903.1) Sucralfate;

(903.2) Sulconazole;

(904) Sulfabenzamide vaginal preparations;

(905) Sulfacetamide;

(906) Sulfachlorpyridazine;

(907) Sulfacytine;

(908) Sulfadiazine;

(909) Sulfadimethoxine;

(909.1) Sulfadoxine;

(910) Sulfaethidole;

(911) Sulfaguanidine;

(912) Sulfamerazine;

(913) Sulfameter;

(914) Sulfamethazine;

(915) Sulfamethizole;

(916) Sulfamethoxazole;

(917) Sulfamethoxypyridazine;

(918) Sulfanilamide;

(919) Sulfaphenazole;

(920) Reserved;

(921) Sulfapyridine;

(922) Sulfasalazine;

(922.5) Sulfathiazole;

(923) Sulfinpyrazone;

(924) Sulfisomidine;

(925) Sulfisoxazole;

(926) Sulfur thioglycerol;

(927) Sulindac;

(927.5) Sumatriptan;

(927.7) Sunitinib;

(928) Superinone;