§ 20-2-2086 - Petition from existing charter schools

O.C.G.A. 20-2-2086 (2010)
20-2-2086. Petition from existing charter schools

A petition may be submitted pursuant to this Code section by an existing charter school approved by a local board of education or the State Board of Education provided that the obligations of its charter with the local board of education or State Board of Education will expire prior to entering into a new charter with the commission. A local board of education or the State Board of Education in the case of a state chartered special school may agree to rescind or waive the obligations of a current charter to allow a petition to be submitted by an existing charter school pursuant to this Code section. An existing charter school that is established as a commission charter school pursuant to this Code section shall be allowed to continue the use of all facilities, equipment, and other assets it used prior to the expiration or rescission of its charter with a local board of education.