§ 32-9-10 - Implementation of federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991

O.C.G.A. 32-9-10 (2010)
32-9-10. Implementation of federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991

(a) The purpose of this Code section is to implement Section 3029 of Public Law 102-240, the federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, referred to in this Code section as the act.

(b) For purposes of this Code section, the term "system" means a public transportation system having vehicles operated on a fixed guideway on steel rails, the steel of the wheels of such vehicles coming directly into contact with such rails, but excluding such systems that are subject to regulation by the Federal Railroad Administration. In addition, a "system" shall include all other public transportation systems that, under regulations issued pursuant to subsection (e) of the act, are subject to the act.

(c) The department is designated as the agency of this state responsible for implementation of the act.

(d) Each system operating in this state shall adopt and carry out a safety program plan that provides for the following:

(1) The plan shall establish safety requirements with respect to the design, manufacture, and construction of the equipment, structures, and fixtures of the system; the maintenance of equipment, structures, and fixtures; operating methods and procedures and the training of personnel; compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations applicable to the safety of persons and property; protection from fire and other casualties; and the security of passengers and employees and of property;

(2) The plan shall provide for measures reasonably adequate to implement the requirements established pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection; and

(3) The plan shall establish lines of authority, levels of responsibility and accountability, and methods of documentation adequate to ensure that it is implemented.

(e) The department shall have the following powers and duties:

(1) It shall review the safety program plan of each system and all revisions and amendments thereof and if it finds that the plan conforms to subsection (d) of this Code section shall approve it;

(2) It shall monitor the implementation of each system's plan;

(3) It shall have the power to require any system to revise or amend its safety program plan as may be necessary in order to comply with any regulations issued pursuant to subsection (e) of the act and any amendments or revisions thereof; and

(4) It shall investigate hazardous conditions and accidents on each system and, as appropriate, require that hazardous conditions be corrected or eliminated.

(f) If any system fails to comply with an order of the department to correct or to eliminate a hazardous condition, the department may apply for an order requiring such system to show cause why it should not do so. Such application shall be made to the superior court of the most populous county in which such system operates, as such population is determined according to the United States decennial census of 1990 or any future such census. If at the hearing upon such an order to show cause the court finds that the condition that is the subject of the order in fact creates an unreasonable risk to the safety of persons, property, or both, the court may order the system to comply with the department's order or to take such other corrective action as the court finds appropriate.