§ 34-15-8 - Budget estimates

O.C.G.A. 34-15-8 (2010)
34-15-8. Budget estimates

Budget estimates of the amount of appropriations needed each fiscal year for vocational rehabilitation services and for the administration of the programs under this chapter shall be submitted by the director to the Commissioner and, upon approval by the Commissioner, shall be included in the estimates made by the Commissioner to the Office of Planning and Budget. In the event federal funds are available to the state for vocational rehabilitation purposes, the Division of Rehabilitation Services is authorized to comply with such requirements as may be necessary to obtain said federal funds in the maximum amount and most advantageous proportion possible insofar as this may be done without violating other provisions of the state law and Constitution. In the event Congress fails in any year to appropriate funds for grants-in-aid to the state for vocational rehabilitation purposes, the Commissioner shall include as a part of his or her budget a request for adequate state funds for vocational rehabilitation purposes.