§ 50-12-145 - (Repealed effective December 31, 2015) Authority of commission

O.C.G.A. 50-12-145 (2010)
50-12-145. (Repealed effective December 31, 2015) Authority of commission

(a) The commission may:

(1) Solicit, accept, use, and dispose of gifts or donations of money, services, and real and personal property related to the commemoration;

(2) Appoint such advisory committees as the commission determines to be necessary to carry out this article;

(3) Authorize any member or employee of the commission to take any action the commission is authorized to take under this article;

(4) Use the United States mails in the same manner and under the same conditions as other agencies of the state government; and

(5) Make grants to communities, nonprofit commemorative commissions or organizations, and research and scholarly organizations to develop programs and products to assist in researching, publishing, marketing, and distributing information relating to the commemoration.

(b) In carrying out this Code section, the commission may:

(1) Procure supplies, services, and property; and

(2) Make or enter into contracts, leases, or other legal agreements.

(c) Any contract, lease, or other legal agreement made or entered into by the commission shall not extend beyond the date of termination of the commission.

(d) The commission may secure directly from a state agency such information as the commission considers to be necessary to carry out this Code section and, upon request of the chairperson of the commission, the head of the agency shall provide information to the commission.