§805-5 - Warrant after summons issued.

     §805-5  Warrant after summons issued.  The district judge may, for any cause which appears to the district judge to be sufficient, at any time after the issue of the summons, and by virtue of the complaint therein contained and recited, issue the district judge's warrant for the immediate arrest, upon the charge, of the person so summoned. [L 1892, c 57, §21; RL 1925, §4010; RL 1935, §5473; RL 1945, §10773; RL 1955, §257-5; HRS §710-5; am L 1970, c 188, §39; ren L 1972, c 9, pt of §1; gen ch 1985]


Rules of Court


  See HRPP rule 9.


Case Notes


  Spelling of foreign names, reference in warrant to complaint for names of persons to be arrested.  9 H. 641.