22-2017. Crop management areas. The legislature recognizes the fact that in order to produce crops that are free from plant pests, and to control such plant pests, it is frequently necessary to apply certain crop management practices over an area which may include several farms, orchards, nurseries or other crop producing entities. Such practices may include, but are not limited to, use of clean seed, destruction of infested or undesirable plants, use of chemicals and prohibiting introduction of host materials. The legislature further recognizes that it is in the public interest that the director be authorized to designate certain areas as crop management areas and to stipulate those practices which shall be followed in the management area insofar as they affect the particular crop.

(1) The director may provide for establishment of a crop management area after presentation of a petition signed by not less than twenty-five (25) registered electors residing within the confines of the proposed crop management area. The petitioners shall give the petition to the county clerk of the county or counties who shall examine the signatures and certify the number of valid signatures of electors residing within the confines of the proposed crop management area and transmit the petition to the director. The director may establish a crop management area within the boundaries specified in the petition.

(2) In instances where there are less than twenty-five (25) registered electors residing within the confines of the proposed crop management area, a majority of those registered electors must sign the petition in order for the petition to be considered by the director. The petitioner(s) of the proposed crop management area shall present the petition to the county clerk of the county of the proposed crop management area. The county clerk of the county shall examine the signatures presented by the petitioner(s) and shall certify that the number of valid signatures constitutes a majority of electors residing within the confines of the proposed crop management area. The county clerk of the county shall then transmit the petition to the director. The director may establish a crop management area within the boundaries specified in the petition.

(3) In instances where there are no registered electors residing within the confines of the proposed crop management area, the petitioner(s) of the proposed crop management area shall present the petition to the county clerk of the county of the proposed crop management area. The county clerk of the county shall notify the director in writing certifying that there are no registered electors residing in the proposed crop management area. The county clerk of the county shall then transmit the petition to the director. The director may establish a crop management area within the boundaries specified in the petition.

(4) The director may make and enforce rules to maintain the management area. Rules may include, but shall not be limited to:

(a) Specification of the kind and quality of seed or other propagative material which may be planted in the area;

(b) Specification of treatments, chemical or otherwise, which shall be used to control pests or undesirable plants in the area;

(c) Transportation of vegetative material into, within or out of the area;

(d) Disposition of infested crops, undesirable plants or other material which may include destruction of the crops, plants or other material;

(e) Disposition of vegetative material planted in violation of the rules.

(5) Disposition of infested or violative material in a crop management area shall be at the expense of the owner thereof.