57-224. Redemption. The treasurer of the issuing corporation, upon presentation to him for payment of any legally issued and unpaid bond or coupon, on or after the date of maturity therein specified, shall redeem the same without any further warrant or order from the governing board of the issuing corporation, or any other officer thereof, but no bond shall be redeemed prior to maturity except upon the order of any such governing board. Said treasurer shall note in his bond register, in spaces therein provided for such purposes, the date of redemption and the amount of each bond or coupon by him redeemed from time to time, and shall indicate, by legibly perforating or stamping in ink on the face thereof, that each such bond or coupon has been redeemed and the date of payment, and shall, at the end of each month, or at such other time as he may be required by law to report to, or settle his accounts with, the governing board of the issuing corporation, or its auditor, clerk or secretary, surrender with such report or settlement the canceled coupons or bonds so redeemed as vouchers evidencing the payment thereof. It shall be the duty of the auditor, clerk or secretary of the issuing corporation, as the case may be, to enter in his bond register the date of payment and amount of each canceled coupon so surrendered to him by the treasurer, and in case any bond is redeemed prior to the ultimate maturity thereof, he shall ascertain that all unmatured coupons originally issued with any such bond are attached thereto at the time of redemption.