Division 6-24 - Cook County Appropriations

      (55 ILCS 5/Div. 6‑24 heading)
Division 6‑24. Cook County Appropriations

    (55 ILCS 5/6‑24001) (from Ch. 34, par. 6‑24001)
    Sec. 6‑24001. Annual appropriation bill. The board of commissioners of Cook County shall, within the first quarter of each fiscal year adopt a resolution, to be termed the annual appropriation bill, in and by which resolution said board shall appropriate such sums of money as may be necessary to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of said Cook County, to be by said county paid or incurred during and until the time of the adoption of the next annual appropriation bill under this section: Provided, that said board shall not expend any money or incur any indebtedness or liability on behalf of said county in excess of the percentage and several amounts now limited by law, and based on the limit prescribed in the Constitution, when applied to the last previous assessment. For the year 1931 and each year thereafter, such appropriation bill shall set forth estimates, by classes, of all current assets and liabilities of each fund of such county, as of the beginning of said fiscal year, and the amounts of such assets available for appropriation in such year, either for expenditures or charges to be made or incurred during such year or for liabilities unpaid at the beginning thereof. Such board by resolution may create, set apart and maintain an imprest cash fund for monies which have been advanced by such county for state programs pursuant to law prior to reimbursement by the state for expenses incurred by such county. The monies shown as the balance in such fund in such appropriation bill shall not be considered to be available for appropriation. Estimates of taxes to be received from the levies of prior years shall be net, after deducting amounts estimated to be sufficient to cover the loss and cost of collecting such taxes and also the amounts of such taxes for the nonpayment of which real estate has been or shall be forfeited to the State and abatements in the amount of such taxes extended or to be extended upon the collectors' books. Estimates of the liabilities of the respective funds shall include (a) all final judgments, including accrued interest thereon, entered against such county and unpaid at the beginning of such fiscal year, (b) the principal of all anticipation tax warrants and all temporary loans and all accrued interest thereon unpaid at the beginning of such fiscal year, (c) the principal of all notes issued in anticipation of taxes under the provisions of Division 6‑2, and all accrued interest thereon unpaid at the beginning of such fiscal year, and (d) any amount for which the board of commissioners is required to reimburse the working cash fund from the general corporate fund pursuant to the provisions of Division 6‑27. Such annual appropriation bill shall also set forth detailed estimates of all taxes to be levied for such year and of all other current revenues to be derived from sources other than such taxes, including any funds authorized by Division 6‑6 and any funds made available under Section 5‑701.10 of the "Illinois Highway Code", approved July 8, 1959, as amended, which will be applicable to expenditure or charges to be made or incurred during such year. No estimate of taxes to be levied for general corporate purposes, or for any other purpose, except for the payment of bonded indebtedness or interest thereon, and except for pension fund purposes or working cash fund purposes, shall exceed a sum equivalent to the product of the value of the taxable property in such county, as ascertained by the last assessment for state and county taxes previous to the passage of such annual appropriation bill, multiplied by the maximum per cent or rate of tax which such county is authorized by law to levy for said current fiscal year for any such purpose or purposes with reference to which such estimate is made. All such estimates shall be so segregated and classified as to funds and in such other manner as to give effect to the requirements of law relating to the respective purposes to which said assets and taxes and other current revenues are applicable, to the end that no expenditure shall be authorized or made for any purpose in excess of funds lawfully available therefor, including any funds authorized by Division 6‑6 and any funds made available under Section 5‑701.10 of the "Illinois Highway Code," approved July 8, 1959, as amended.
(Source: P.A. 86‑962.)

    (55 ILCS 5/6‑24002) (from Ch. 34, par. 6‑24002)
    Sec. 6‑24002. Budget estimates; arrangement of appropriations. Budget estimates shall be prepared and appropriations shall be made in a manner that reflects the utilization of program, performance and cost effectiveness principles, and budget estimates shall include statements of the amounts and sources of all anticipated revenues including those from Federal, State, other governments, and all other sources. Appropriations shall be arranged according to funds and programs and sub‑activities and also according to departments and other offices and agencies of the County. Such annual appropriation bill shall specify the objects and purposes for which appropriations are made and the amount appropriated for each object or purpose and shall include appropriations for (a) all current expenditures or charges to be made or incurred during such fiscal year, including interest to accrue on anticipation tax warrants and notes and temporary loans; (b) all final judgments, including accrued interest thereon, entered against such county and unpaid at the beginning of such fiscal year; (c) any amount for which the board of commissioners of such county is required to reimburse the working cash fund from the general corporate fund pursuant to the provisions of Division 6‑27; (d) all other liabilities including the principal of all anticipation tax warrants and notes and all temporary loans and accrued interest thereon, incurred during prior years and unpaid at the beginning of such fiscal year; and (e) an amount or amounts estimated to be sufficient to cover the loss and cost of collecting taxes to be levied for such fiscal year and also the amounts of taxes so levied for the nonpayment of which real estate shall be forfeited to the State and abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the collectors' books.
    The objects and purposes for which appropriations shall be made are classified and standardized by the following items, and by such items shall be designated in the budget documents and the annual appropriations ordinances: (1) personal services, (2) non‑personal expenses, (3) equipment outlays or contracts, (4) land and permanent improvements, (5) contingencies. Contingencies shall be for subsequent transfer, if necessary, to purposes or objects to cover only expenditures required that could not reasonably have been foreseen and provided for at the time of the enactment of the appropriation ordinance. The amount of any such contingency items for each separate fund shall in no case exceed 3% of the total annual appropriations of such fund. Contingencies appropriations shall be by funds. Land and permanent improvements shall include the fiscal year's portion of the county's long‑range capital improvement plan, or so much thereof as is to be appropriated therefor from all funds, regardless of source appropriated by the county board.
    In addition to amounts provided for in this Section, (1) an unreserved fund balance may be carried to provide adequate support for the county's bond ratings and protection against unanticipated revenue shortfalls, and (2) a self insurance fund may be provided to satisfy claims for which the county may be liable.
(Source: P.A. 86‑962; 87‑1192.)

    (55 ILCS 5/6‑24003) (from Ch. 34, par. 6‑24003)
    Sec. 6‑24003. Units of appropriation. Budget estimates shall consist of proposed units of appropriation, each unit to represent the amount estimated for a particular program, sub‑activity, and agency or department, and separate totals shall be stated under each. Each requested unit of appropriation shall be supported by line detail showing how the total amount of such unit is arrived at and by both the measurable work to be accomplished and the part attributable to administration and overhead and to service activities.
(Source: P.A. 86‑962.)

    (55 ILCS 5/6‑24004) (from Ch. 34, par. 6‑24004)
    Sec. 6‑24004. Executive budget; annual appropriation ordinance. The president shall submit to the committee on finance an executive budget as prepared by the budget director of the county and approved by the president. The executive budget shall provide the basis upon which the annual appropriation ordinance is prepared and enacted.
    After considering the executive budget submitted by the president, the committee on finance shall prepare an annual appropriation ordinance in tentative form, which in such tentative form shall be made conveniently available to public inspection for at least ten days prior to final action thereon, by publication in the journal of the proceedings of such board of commissioners or in such other form as such board may prescribe; and not less than one week after the publication of such tentative appropriation bill and prior to final action thereon, such committee on finance shall hold at least one public hearing thereon, notice of which shall be given by publication in a newspaper having general circulation in such county at least one week prior to the time of such hearing. It shall be the duty of such committee on finance to prepare such tentative appropriation bill and make it so available to public inspection and also to arrange for and hold such public hearing or hearings.
(Source: P.A. 86‑962.)

    (55 ILCS 5/6‑24005) (from Ch. 34, par. 6‑24005)
    Sec. 6‑24005. Revision of items. Subsequent to such public hearing, or hearings, and before final action on such appropriation bill, the board of commissioners may revise, alter, increase, or decrease the items contained therein as prepared in such tentative form, but the aggregate amount finally appropriated by such appropriation bill, including any subsequent amendment thereof, from any fund or for any purpose, including amounts appropriated for judgments and all other unpaid liabilities and all other purposes for which the board is herein or otherwise by law required to appropriate, shall not exceed the aggregate amount available in such fund or for such purpose, as shown by the estimates of the available assets thereof at the beginning of such fiscal year and of taxes and other current revenues set forth in the appropriation bill. If the appropriations from any fund as set forth in such appropriation bill as finally adopted exceed in the aggregate the maximum amount which such board is herein authorized to appropriate therefrom, all appropriations made from such fund by such appropriation bill shall be void and the several amounts appropriated for current operation and maintenance expenses in the appropriation bill of the last preceding fiscal year shall be deemed to be appropriated for the current fiscal year for objects and purposes, respectively, as specified in such last appropriation bill and the several amounts so appropriated shall constitute lawful appropriations upon which taxes for the current fiscal year may be levied pursuant to the provisions of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 86‑962.)

    (55 ILCS 5/6‑24006) (from Ch. 34, par. 6‑24006)
    Sec. 6‑24006. Appropriation to pay for publication of assessments. If the Legislature shall by law provide, or shall at any time appear to have by law provided, for the publication of the assessment of real or personal property, or both, to be paid for out of the county treasury, then said board of commissioners shall in each year, while such publication is required, make due provision for the cost thereof by sufficient appropriation in such resolution, which said appropriation shall take precedence over all the other appropriations contained in such resolution, excepting the provision for principal and interest of county indebtedness, the ordinary, current salaries of county officials and employees, the maintenance of county property and institutions (including courts and juries), dieting occupants of the jails, prisons, hospitals and industrial schools, and the cost of elections required by law. Such appropriations shall take precedence of any appropriation for contingent fund or building fund; and if the tax actually collected in any such year shall be less than the total amount of the appropriations contained in said resolution, the items of appropriation following in such resolution after such appropriation for publishing assessments, in the order herein directed, shall be first abated, before the appropriation for such publication of tax assessments shall be reduced. The vote of said board of commissioners upon said appropriation bill shall be taken by yeas and nays, and the same shall be entered upon the journal. Such appropriation bill shall not take effect until after it shall have been once published in a newspaper published in Chicago, and said board shall provide for and cause said appropriation bill to be published as aforesaid.
(Source: P.A. 86‑962.)

    (55 ILCS 5/6‑24007) (from Ch. 34, par. 6‑24007)
    Sec. 6‑24007. Amendment of appropriation bill; monthly schedule for year of proposed expenditure. Such annual appropriation bill may be amended at the next meeting of the board of commissioners, occurring not less than five days after the passage thereof, in like manner as other resolutions appropriating money. Such ordinance, as originally passed or as subsequently amended, may also be amended, at any meeting of the board of commissioners held not more than 15 days after the first meeting of such board of commissioners occurring not less than 5 days after the passage of such annual appropriation bill, by repealing or reducing the amount of any item or items of appropriation contained therein. The board of commissioners has the power, by a two‑thirds vote of all members of such body, to make transfers within any fund, department or other office or agency of the county, of sums of money appropriated for one corporate object or purpose to another corporate object or purpose, but no appropriation for any object or purpose shall thereby be reduced below an amount sufficient to cover all obligations incurred against such appropriation.
    For purposes of controlling expenditures, the expenditure of or incurring of obligations against any appropriation may be delayed, restricted, or terminated with regard to any object or purpose for which appropriations were made in the appropriation bill or resolution. A monthly schedule for the year of proposed expenditure, including any limitations or conditions against appropriations for each program, subactivity, and the agency or department, shall be made within 30 days of the adoption of the annual appropriation bill, and such schedule, as amended by the President of the County Board, shall be binding upon all officers, agencies, and departments, and such schedule of expenditure or of incurring obligations may not be exceeded, provided that any such schedule may be revised after three calendar months have elapsed since the last schedule.
(Source: P.A. 86‑962.)

    (55 ILCS 5/6‑24008) (from Ch. 34, par. 6‑24008)
    Sec. 6‑24008. Limitations. After the adoption of such appropriation bill or resolution, the said board of commissioners shall not make any further or other appropriations prior to the adoption or passage of the next succeeding annual appropriation bill, and the said board of commissioners shall have no power, either directly or indirectly, to make any contract or to do any act which shall add to the county expenditure or liabilities in any year, anything or sum over and above the amount provided for in the annual appropriation bill for that fiscal year. No contract shall hereafter be made, or expense or liability incurred by the said board of commissioners, or any member or committee thereof, or by any person or persons, for or in its behalf, notwithstanding the expenditure may have been ordered by the said board of commissioners, unless an appropriation therefor shall have been previously made by said board in manner aforesaid. Neither said board, nor any member or committee thereof, nor any officer of the county, nor any person holding any office, trust or employment under such board of commissioners of such county, shall, during a fiscal year, expend or contract to be expended any money, or incur any liability, or enter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditure of money for any of the purposes for which provision is made in the annual appropriation bill in excess of the amounts appropriated in said appropriation bill. Provided, however, that the board of commissioners may lease from any Public Building Commission created pursuant to the provisions of the Public Building Commission Act, approved July 5, 1955, as now or hereafter amended, any real or personal property for county purposes for any period of time not exceeding 20 years, and such lease may be made and the obligation or expense thereunder incurred without making a previous appropriation therefor except as otherwise provided in Section 5‑1108. Any contract, verbal or written, made in violation of this Section shall be null and void as to said county, and no moneys belonging to that county shall be paid thereon; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the making of lawful contracts for the construction of buildings, the term of which contracts may be for periods of more than one year. Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the board of commissioners, by a concurring vote of four‑fifths of all the commissioners (said vote to be taken by yeas and nays and entered upon the journal), for making any expenditure or incurring any liability rendered necessary, by any unforeseen casualty by fire, flood or otherwise, happening after the annual appropriation bill shall have been passed or adopted. Nor shall anything herein contained be construed to deprive the board of power to provide for and cause to be paid from the county funds any charge upon said county imposed by law, without the action of the board of commissioners, including fixed salaries of officers or employees required by law to be paid from the county treasury, and to pay jurors' fees and other charges fixed by law.
    Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section or Section 6‑24001, the board of commissioners may, during the fiscal year 1969, adopt a supplemental appropriation bill or resolution in an amount not in excess of any additional revenue available to the county, or estimated to be received by the county, subsequent to the adoption of the annual appropriation bill or resolution for that fiscal year, for any proper corporate purpose. Such supplemental appropriation bill or resolution shall only affect revenue that was not available for appropriation when the annual appropriation bill or resolution was adopted, and the provisions of Section 6‑24004 relating to publication, notice and public hearing shall not be applicable to such supplemental appropriation bill or resolution or to the budget document forming the basis thereof.
(Source: P.A. 86‑962.)

    (55 ILCS 5/6‑24009) (from Ch. 34, par. 6‑24009)
    Sec. 6‑24009. Violation. Any member of the board of commissioners or any officer of the county, or any person holding any office, trust or employment under such board of commissioners or such county, who shall be guilty of the wilful violation of any of the provisions of Section 6‑24008, shall be guilty of a business offense and shall be fined not exceeding $10,000 and shall forfeit his right to his office, trust or employment and shall be removed therefrom. Any such member, officer, employee or person shall be liable for the amount of any loss or damage suffered by such county resulting from any act of his in violation of the terms of Section 6‑24008, to be recovered by such county, or by any taxpayer in the name and for the benefit of such county, in an appropriate action, provided, that such taxpayer shall file a bond for all costs, and be liable for all costs taxed against the county in such suit, and judgment shall be rendered accordingly. Nothing herein shall bar any other remedies.
(Source: P.A. 86‑962.)