460.204 - NOTICE.

        460.204  NOTICE.         1.  The department shall provide information regarding landowners      registering agricultural drainage wells pursuant to section 460.302      to each county board of supervisors in which an agricultural drainage      well is registered.         2.  The department shall notify landowners of land on which an      agricultural drainage well is located of the deadline for complying      with this subchapter.  The notice shall be provided by print,      electronic media, or other notification process.  The department      shall provide the notice in cooperation with the county board of      supervisors in the county where the agricultural drainage well is      located.         3.  The department shall mail a special notice to owners of land      registering agricultural drainage wells pursuant to section 460.302.      
         Section History: Recent Form
         97 Acts, ch 193, §7         CS97, §455I.4         2002 Acts, ch 1137, §68, 71; 2002 Acts, 2nd Ex, ch 1003, §260, 262         C2003, §460.204