460.303  AGRICULTURAL DRAINAGE WELL WATER QUALITY      ASSISTANCE FUND.         1.  An agricultural drainage well water quality assistance fund is      created in the state treasury under the control of the soil      conservation division.  The fund is composed of moneys appropriated      by the general assembly, and moneys available to and obtained or      accepted by the division or the state soil conservation committee      established pursuant to section 161A.4, from the United States or      private sources for placement in the fund.         2.  Moneys in the fund are subject to an annual audit by the      auditor of state.         3.  The fund shall be used to support an agricultural drainage      well water quality assistance program as provided in section 460.304.      Moneys shall be used to provide financial incentives under the      program, and to defray expenses by the division in administering the      program.  However, not more than one percent of the money in the fund      is available to defray administrative expenses.  The division may      adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to administer this section.         4.  The division shall not in any manner directly or indirectly      pledge the credit of the state.         5.  Section 8.33 shall not apply to moneys in the fund.      Notwithstanding section 12C.7, moneys earned as income, including as      interest, from the fund shall remain in the fund until expended as      provided in this section.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         97 Acts, ch 193, §2         CS97, §159.29A         2002 Acts, ch 1137, §68, 71; 2002 Acts, 2nd Ex, ch 1003, §260, 262         C2003, §460.303         2003 Acts, ch 145, § 286; 2006 Acts, ch 1057, §1         Referred to in §460.304