507C.41  SECURED CREDITOR'S CLAIMS.         1.  The value of security held by a secured creditor shall be      determined in one of the following ways, as the court may direct:         a.  By converting the security into money according to the      terms of the agreement pursuant to which the security was delivered      to the creditors.         b.  By agreement, arbitration, compromise or litigation      between the creditor and the liquidator.         2.  The determination shall be under the supervision and control      of the court with due regard for the recommendation of the      liquidator.  The amount so determined shall be credited upon the      secured claim.  A deficiency shall be treated as an unsecured claim.      If the claimant surrenders the security to the liquidator, the entire      claim shall be allowed as if unsecured.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1175, § 41         Referred to in § 507C.35, 507C.58