633A.3111  TRUSTEE'S LIABILITY FOR DISTRIBUTIONS.         1.  A trustee who distributes trust assets without making adequate      provisions for the payment of debts and charges that are known or      reasonably ascertainable at the time of the distribution shall be      jointly and severally liable with the beneficiaries to the extent of      the distributions made.         2.  A trustee shall be entitled to indemnification from the      beneficiaries for all amounts paid for debts and charges under this      section, to the extent of distributions made.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         99 Acts, ch 125, §35, 109; 2000 Acts, ch 1150, §19         C2001, §633.3111         2005 Acts, ch 38, §54         CS2005, §633A.3111         2006 Acts, ch 1104, §9