68.10  POWERS OF COURT.
         The court of impeachment shall sit in the senate chamber, and have
         1.  To compel the attendance of its members as the senate may do
      when engaged in the ordinary business of legislation.
         2.  To establish rules necessary for the trial of the accused.
         3.  To appoint from time to time such subordinate officers,
      clerks, and reporters as are necessary for the convenient transaction
      of its business, and at any time to remove any of them.
         4.  To issue subpoenas, process, and orders, which shall run into
      any part of the state, and may be served by any adult person
      authorized so to do by the president of the senate, or by the sheriff
      of any county, or the sheriff's deputy, in the name of the state, and
      with the same force and effect as in an ordinary criminal
      prosecution, and to compel obedience thereto.
         5.  To exercise the powers and privileges conferred upon the
      senate for punishment as for contempts in chapter 2.
         6.  To adjourn from time to time, and to dissolve when its work is
         Section History: Early Form
         [C97, § 5478; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 1140; C46, 50, 54, 58,
      62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 68.10] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         99 Acts, ch 96, §6
         Contempts, § 2.18--2.22, chapter 665