A state employee meeting the requirements of section 70A.31 may
      file a request to participate in the program with the head of the
      employee's state department, agency, or commission.  The employee
      shall specify the number of hours per week the employee intends to
      work for each of the five years of participation, subject to the
      requirements of section 70A.31.  Participation in the program is
      dependent upon the approval of the head of the department, agency, or
      commission.  The cost to the state department, agency, or commission
      shall be paid from the funds appropriated to the department, agency,
      or commission for salaries, support, maintenance, and miscellaneous
         An employee who participates in the program is not eligible to
      return to state employment as a permanent full-time employee.  Once
      an employee reduces the employee's hours of participation, that
      employee shall not subsequently increase the hours of participation.
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1180, § 4
         C85, § 79.33
         C93, § 70A.33
         97 Acts, ch 185, §9