159.5  POWERS AND DUTIES.
         The secretary of agriculture is the head of the department of
      agriculture and land stewardship which shall:
         1.  Carry out the objects for which the department is created and
         2.  Establish and maintain such divisions in the department as are
      necessary for the proper enforcement of the laws administered by it.

         3.  Consolidate the inspection service of the state in respect to
      the laws administered by the department so as to eliminate
      duplication of inspection insofar as practicable.
         4.  Maintain a weather division which shall, in cooperation with
      the national weather service, collect and disseminate weather and
      phenological statistics and meteorological data, and promote
      knowledge of meteorology, phenology, and climatology of the state.
      The division shall be headed by the state climatologist who shall be
      appointed by the secretary of agriculture, and shall be an officer of
      the national weather service, if one is detailed for that purpose by
      the federal government.
         5.  Establish volunteer weather stations in one or more places in
      each county, appoint observers thereat, supervise such stations,
      receive reports of meteorological events and tabulate the same for
      permanent record.
         6.  Issue weekly weather and crop bulletins from April 1 to
      October 1 of each year, and edit and cause to be published monthly
      weather reports, containing meteorological matter in its relationship
      to agriculture, transportation, commerce, and the general public.
         7.  Maintain a division of agricultural statistics, which shall,
      in cooperation with the United States department of agriculture
      statistical reporting service, gather, compile, and publish
      statistical information concerning the condition and progress of
      crops, the production of crops, livestock, livestock products,
      poultry, and other such related agricultural statistics, as will
      generally promote knowledge of the agricultural industry in the state
      of Iowa.  The statistics, when published, constitute official
      agricultural statistics for the state of Iowa.  The division is in
      the charge of an administrator, who shall be appointed by the
      secretary of agriculture and who shall be an officer of the United
      States department of agriculture statistical reporting service, if
      one is detailed for that purpose by the federal government.
         8.  Establish and maintain a marketing news service division in
      the department which shall, in cooperation with the federal market
      news and grading division of the United States department of
      agriculture, collect and disseminate data and information relative to
      the market prices and conditions of agricultural products raised,
      produced, and handled in the state.  The division is in the charge of
      an administrator, who shall be appointed by the secretary of
      agriculture and shall be an officer of the federal market news and
      grading division of the United States department of agriculture, if
      one is detailed for that purpose by the federal government.
         9.  Inspect and supervise all meat, poultry, or dairy producing or
      distributing establishments including the furniture, fixtures,
      utensils, machinery, and other equipment so as to prevent the
      production, preparation, packing, storage, or transportation of meat,
      poultry, or dairy products in a manner detrimental to the character
      or quality of those products.
         10.  Approve all methods of probing for foreign material content
      of any type of grain.
         11.  Establish, publish, and enforce rules not inconsistent with
      law for the enforcement of the provisions of subtitles 1 through 3 of
      this title, excluding chapters 161A through 161C, and for the
      enforcement of the various laws, the administration and supervision
      of which are imposed upon the department.
         12. a.  Establish a swine tuberculosis eradication program
      including but not limited to all of the following:
         (1)  The inspection of swine herds in this state when the
      department finds that an animal from a swine herd has, or is believed
      to have, tuberculosis.
         (2)  Ear tagging or otherwise physically marking all swine
      reacting positively to tests for tuberculosis.
         (3)  Condemning any swine which has tuberculosis.
         (4)  Depopulating any swine herd where tuberculosis is found to be
      generally present.
         (5)  Compensate the owners of condemned swine as provided under
      section 165.18, following the general procedures for filing claims
      and paying indemnities as provided in chapter 165.
         b.  If the department finds that the source of the
      tuberculosis in a swine herd is from another species of animal,
      except bovine, located on or near the premises on which the affected
      swine herd is located, the department may destroy those animals and
      indemnify the owners of the condemned animals as provided in chapter
         13.  Establish and maintain a division of soil conservation.  The
      division administrator shall be appointed by the secretary from a
      list of names of persons recommended by the soil conservation
      committee, pursuant to section 161A.4, subsection 6, paragraph
      "c", and shall serve at the pleasure of the secretary.
         14.  Establish and administer programs for the inspection and
      control of disease among livestock as defined in section 717.1.
         15.  In the administration of programs relating to water quality
      improvement and watershed improvements, cooperate with the department
      of natural resources in order to maximize the receipt of federal
         Section History: Early Form