217.32  OFFICE SPACE IN COUNTY.
         Where the department of human services assigns personnel to an
      office located in a county for the purpose of performing in that
      county designated duties and responsibilities assigned by law to the
      department, it shall be the responsibility of the county to provide
      and maintain the necessary office space and office supplies and
      equipment for the personnel so assigned in the same manner as if they
      were employees of the county.  The department shall at least
      annually, or more frequently if the department so elects, reimburse
      the county for a portion, designated by law, of the cost of
      maintaining office space and providing supplies and equipment as
      required by this section, and also for a similar portion of the cost
      of providing the necessary office space if in order to do so it is
      necessary for the county to lease office space outside the courthouse
      or any other building owned by the county.  The portion of the
      foregoing costs reimbursed to the county under this section shall be
      equivalent to the proportion of those costs which the federal
      government authorizes to be paid from available federal funds, unless
      the general assembly directs otherwise when appropriating funds for
      support of the department.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C75, 77, 79, 81, § 217.32] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         83 Acts, ch 96, § 157, 159